Note: This is an AU where Akito never met Toya and pursed his dreams alone. The Vivid Bad Squad never formed, and An and Kohane are known solely as the Vivids. (Also the drawing is mine ❤️❤️)

Akito was never really the type to fall on love, his brain fixated on improving his musical ability. However, Akito's heart was broken open by one of his classmates. He can't believe he let himself fall in love, and it was often that he'd beat himself up for it. His classmate was a reserved kind of girl, and she was a little bigger than most. Akito barely knew she existed, however she stole his heart with her passionate nature that mimicked his.

She was a baker, and she worked really hard to improve. She was constantly teased for her chubbier body type, and Akito had been annoyed by it. Before Akito had said anything to protect her, she stood up for herself. She put her foot down and didn't let her rude classmates' words get to her. That was when Akito found himself falling in love with her.

Akito laid his head on his hand as his teacher seemed to talk on and on. He never cared much for school, he was barely passing. He looked through the window and saw classroom 1-B on the other side of the hall. It seemed they were taking a test. His gaze wandered off to a student doing nothing. It was a student with two-toned hair. It seemed he was already done with the work. Akito sighed, "Stupid smart people..."

Akito's eyes widened as the student's gaze met his. The student narrowed his his light grey eyes, sending shivers down Akito's spine. Akito looked away. He recognized the student as Toya Aoyagi, he was popular for his good-looks. Akito took his pencil and pretended to write notes so Toya would stop looking at him. God, Akito despised gifted people like that. He doubted Toya even had to study. 'Must be nice' Akito thought, his gaze shifting over to his crush.

She was working so hard. Akito smiled. He didn't even know her name, yet he was captivated by her. The school lunch bell ringed, and Akito prepared to practice singing on the school's rooftop, where no one else ate. Akito rarely brought lunch, as it took up to much time to eat in his free time. He often overlooked his own needs. However, he ate a lot more recently. He still wasn't eating nearly enough, but he had been practicing baking. He figured if his crush was into it, he'd give it a try.

Imagine Akito's surprise when his crush grabbed his arm. "Uhm, sorry to bother you but... You're friends with Toya Aoyagi, right?" Akito barely knew the guy, and frankly, he didn't want to. "What about him?" Akito blushed slightly. "I was wondering... If well..." She twiddled her fingers. "If you could you could maybe ask if he's single?" She asked shyly. "Sure!" Akito said with a smile, almost automatically. Akito's eyes widened as she walked away. 'Hey... What did I just agree to..?' He thought as he walked up to the rooftop.

'Where'd she even get the idea we were friends? I hate people like that...' Akito saw An on the stairs. She huffed as she walked past him. She was still angry at him for telling Kohane he thought she had no resolve. Akito had no ill intent in saying this, as if he'd do that for fun... He is very passionate about music, and he felt insulted that someone like Kohane would tell him that she would surpass him. Kohane being a complete amateur with only natural talent to back her up. Akito sighed as warmed up his vocals.

His thoughts grew clearer as he focused on his voice, drowning everything else out. It was imperative he was completely focused, one slip up and he could ruin everything like a game of jenga. He felt a drop of water fall on the edge of his nose. He looked up to see that it had begun to rain. 'Great...' He thought as the rain soaked his uniform. He shook his head and ignored it, continuing to sing. He wasn't going to let a little rain slow him down. He had to get better, and fast. If he didn't, he wasn't sure if he'd make it out of the hole he found himself in.

As he opened his mouth the words of his crush replayed through his head, disrupting his clear mind. "If you could you could maybe ask if he's single?"... Akito felt his chest tighten as the rain picked up in speed. He looked down as his vision blurred. He was exhausted. It seemed he was overdoing things again. His stomach growled, warning him of his neglect. He shakily sighed holding his stomach to ease the pain. Why did she like Toya? Out of all people..? Akito hated guys like him the most.

Akito's thoughts were disrupted by the door to the rooftop opening. It was a teacher. "I didn't think there'd be a student up here... We're closing the rooftop for the day, get inside!" They lecture. Akito nearly stumbles as he turns. His head ached. His whole body was warning him. He persevered and walked down the stairs, nearly slipping on the water that dripped from his soaked body. The teacher did nothing to offer him new clothes. He only lectured him. Akito sighed as he changed into his gym clothes.

Before Akito could go and buy some lunch, giving into his bodily needs, the school bell rings. That marks the end of lunch. Akito's stomach grows angrily as he returns to class. His home room teacher lectures him for not having his school uniform in front of the class, garnering laughter. Akito returned to his desk, disappointment filled his chest as he recognized his crush's laughter. He sat down miserably, his legs shaking a bit. He turned his head to look out the classroom window, and again his eyes meet with Toya Aoyagi's.

Akito gives him an empty smile as he looks back down at his paper. Akito stood on the line between wanting to live and wanting die. He felt suspended in his own thoughts. As if he were going to drown. His heart yearned to live, but his body remained still. The only thing keeping him afloat was his passion for music. It was the only thing that remained constant within his life, his patience being stretched like a thin rope. So close to breaking, holding on just barely. He was grabbing for spare strings to tie himself back together as he prepared to snap in two.

'It's only a matter of time...' He thought as he grabbed his pencil. He made sure to write down his emotions, wanting to turn them into a song later. For some reason, he still felt unfulfilled. He sighed as he looked up at the clock on the classroom's wall. The hands moved painfully slow. The room began to spin as he felt a growing out in his empty stomach. He struggled to hold on. He watched as the class went on as his world felt like it was coming to an end. He stayed awake by some miracle, counting down the seconds.

Broken Dreams Blossom into Beautiful Songs Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon