Akito's Perspective:

"Because, I love you." Toya responded softly and sternly. Akito felt his eyes widen. He was filled with disbelief at Toya's words. "Huh..?" Akito uttered, not knowing what else to say. He didn't feel the same way about Toya, he barely even knew the guy at this point, but seeing him like this... Akito put his hand on top of Toya's on his cheek. Akito acknowledged the courage needed to say something like that. Akito couldn't imagine confessing to his crush. He decided it'd be for the best to respond to Toya's feelings with nothing but honesty.

"I'm sorry... I don't feel the same way." Akito said, feeling horrible. He had made so many assumptions about this guy, only to find out that he was just a genuinely good person. Toya smiled sadly. "I know." He said softly pulling his hand away from Akito's cheek. Akito felt a little cold at the lack of touch. Toya's hand was warm. "Even so, can we just... Be friends?" Toya asked breaking the silence. Akito blinked. "You don't have to look at me as if I'm actually your real friend or anything... But to just stay by your side, that's enough." Toya continued, his eyes glistened with sincerity.

Akito felt a little pity. He still felt that he owed Toya for his kindness in looking after him when he passed out, as well as paying for his meal. "Would you really be okay with that..?" Akito asked softly. Toya smiled as he silently nodded, never breaking eye contact. "Then, let's go to the rooftop. We still have to eat, right?" Akito said standing up and extending his hand. Toya fell silent for a moment. "Really, you're the one who's 'so nice.'" Toya whispered before taking Akito's hand. Akito overheard his words and felt his cheeks heat up a bit as he chuckled. "You know it's ironic..." Akito said amongst his laughter. "Huh..?" Toya asked confused as Akito helped him stand up. "You make good grades, yet you're such an idiot!" He said playfully, not able to stop laughing.

Toya frowned. "What's that supposed to mean..?" He asked softly. Akito didn't answer, too caught up in his laughter to respond. Toya slightly blushed. It wasn't very often he got to see Akito genuinely smile like this. Akito eventually calmed down as the two made their way up to the rooftop. The weather was a little cold, but the sky rained clear, a rainbow appeared. Akito smiled at the beauty of the sight as the two sat down. The two took out their lunches and began to eat.

"Ah... So tell me, do you have any other interest besides singing?" Toya asked. Akito nodded. "Yeah, recently I've been into baking and cooking a lot... That reminds me." Akito grabbed his bag and opened it, pulling out the bag of cookies tied with an orange ribbon. "I made these last night, I almost forgot about them." Akito said as he began to untie the bag. His efforts only knotted the ribbon, further sealing the bag. Akito frowned. Toya slightly laughed. "Hey this isn't funny!" Akito retorted.

Toya put his hands on top of Akito's and grabbed Akito's fingers. "Here, let me show you." Toya chuckled softly. Akito seemed taken aback by Toya's gesture. Toya took Akito through a step-by-step of how to properly untie a knot. Toya's instructions flew over Akito's head as Toya's warm, long, slender fingers worked their way along Akito's hands. Akito felt a tad bit of blush touch his cheeks. As soon as the bag of cookies came to be untied, Akito pulled his hands away promptly, confusing Toya.

"I... Uhm, so you never told me if you had any interests yourself..." Akito cleared his throat, handing Toya a cookie. Toya took a bite of it and feel silent. "Wow... This is the best cookie I've ever had, did you put black coffee in them?" Toya asked softly. Akito looked to the side. This felt so strange... "Yeah, it's not something I'd typically do... But, your strange order at the cafe inspired me, it's only fair I share them with you, now back to my question." Akito explained. Toya smiled. "Well... I think I like to sing." Toya replied softly.

"Oh? Can I hear?" Akito asked, his interest piqued. Toya looked to the side. "...If that's what you want. Just know I'm not claiming to be good at it." Toya replied. Akito furrowed his brow as Toya took a deep breath. Akito's eyes widened as Toya opened his mouth. The words were beautifully sung with Toya's soft voice. Akito had never heard singing this good from someone his age, not even from An. Akito felt a mix of emotions, surprise, intrigue, and most of all envy. It tore him apart from inside out. Every note Toya sung was like another knife being thrown at Akito.

Despite this, it lit a fire under Akito. He put his hands on Toya's shoulders. "Please continue." Akito said determined. Toya slightly blushed at the contact. Toya fell silent, staring into Akito's eyes. Akito slightly blushed. "W-What..?" He asked, his voice sharp. "Well I was wondering if-" Toya was cut off by the school bell. Akito lifted his hands off Toya's shoulders. "What were you saying?" Akito asked. Toya shook his head. "It can wait til later... For now we should exchange numbers before we leave." Toya suggested. "Ah, yeah you're right! I guess they don't call you smart for nothing." Akito said pulling out his phone.

"You flatter me." Toya laughed as he put his number in Akito's phone. Akito sighed in disappointment as Toya left. He would've really liked to hear his voice again, even if it were just a little bit. He stood up and began walking back to class. He supposed that it wasn't horrible eating lunch with Toya. He placed his hand on his cheek and remembered Toya's confession. He felt a light blush on his cheeks. The way that Toya had confessed to Akito, it really touched him. If Toya was telling the truth about being on the rooftop this whole time, then that would mean that Toya had liked Akito for the real him.

Even if Akito didn't feel the same way, he had to admit it was flattering. To have someone who liked him. He thought about his crush. What it take to get her to like him like that..? He sighed. Was he asking for too much? He thought as he walked back to class. It was probably for the best he didn't think about it too hard. However, the fact still remained that he told his crush that Toya was dating someone from another school. It seemed that Akito would have to set Toya up with someone for that to be true, as the last thing he wants to do is hurt his crush's feelings. He figured that work out for Toya as well, as it would help him move on from his feelings for Akito.

They were probably superficial anyway... How could a guy fall for another guy for real? Akito thought to himself as he walked down the school's steps. He thought for a moment. While he hated the idea of this he only really knew one person that was a girl and from another school that was still nearby. And that was Kohane. Kohane clearly found Toya physically attractive, and the two of them both like to sing... Maybe Akito could make it work out? He sighed. It seemed quite the difficult journey lied ahead of him.

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