Akito's Perspective:

Akito had been staring at his crush for a while now. Maybe one day... She'd turn around and notice him. If he'd just follow this plan, it should lead him to ultimate success. Right..? He looked out the classroom window and saw Toya. Akito noticed that even though Toya was in an advanced class, he was nearly always the first to finish his work. Toya didn't seem to notice Akito's gaze this time, which slightly concerned Akito. As strange as that may sound, it was rare that Toya wasn't looking Akito's way.

The more that Akito stared at Toya, he noticed that Toya seemed troubled. It wasn't always the easiest to read Toya's facial expressions, but Akito thought all it took was a little effort. Akito tried his best over the past few weeks to get better at responding to Toya's feelings. He figured it was the least he could do as Toya's friend. Toya was always there for him when he needed him, after all.

Toya was really a kind person beneath that poker face of his. Akito smiled slightly, noticing that Toya's tie was crooked. Akito may not have been the best when it came to unknotting that ribbon, due to its strange material, but Akito knew about everything to do with clothing. However, it did concern Akito a little more. Toya wasn't the kind of person to let something like that slide. Something must've been on his mind.

It was his job, after all. He thought as he felt a pair of intense eyes on him. It was his crush's. Akito blushed. She smiled as she looked back at the board. Akito couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something felt off about her smile. Maybe it was because Akito often found himself forcing his own smile to avoid unnecessary conflict, but it seemed fake. Akito looked at his crush. Her uniform was messily put together, and he saw a stain on the side of it.

He looked down to her skirt. Not in a perverted way, he just was drawn by the orange specks that could be seen. It seemed to be some kind of cheese dust... Akito tried his hardest not to cringe. Of course he loved her, but he couldn't understand how she could let the beautifully sewn school uniform of hers get so dirty. He closed his eyes and thought of her kind personality.

It was kind of strange now that he thought about it. Aside from their personalities, Akito's crush was the complete opposite of Toya. Toya was always well put together, not to mention he head beautiful face. Akito's crush on the other hand, lacked any responsibility when it came to her appearance, and her face was rather oily. Akito sighed, shaking his head. He didn't want to change a thing about her. He told himself, knowing it wasn't true.

The school bell rang, indicating the end of the day. Akito stretched in his chair as he put his things away. He began to walk to go meet up with Toya, but then his crush stoppers him. He's been here before... "Shinonome-san, I was thinking about what you said." She said softly. Akito blinked, before realizing that she was referring to when Akito told her Toya had a girlfriend.

"Oh..? What about it?" He asked, blushing a tad bit. "Well... I was wondering if I could meet her." She replied. Akito furrowed his brow. For some reason he felt uneasy, her aura seemed intense. He wasn't really sure how to respond to her. Then he got an idea. "We're doing something right now, but you can have my number. I can tell you about that later." Akito said, overlooking the weird feeling he had in his chest.

"Oh, could I get Toya's number as well?" She replied as Akito finished putting his number in her phone. That uneasy feeling came back. He wasn't sure how to respond, but her question weirded him out. She wasn't that close to Toya was she? Why'd she call him by his first name like that? He glanced over at Toya, he was talking to his professor. For some reason, Akito felt weird giving out his friend's information like that... "O-Oh.., it's a funny story actually..." Akito nervously laughed as he returned his crush's phone.

"What do you mean?" She replied. She put her hands on Akito's as she looked up pleadingly at Akito. Akito slightly blushed, looking to the side. His heart raced as he struggled deciding what he should do here. Akito knew that it was generally an invasion of someone's privacy to give out heir information, but he also felt a disgusting feeling in his stomach. A slight distrust. It made him feel guilty, as he was supposed to trust his crush undeniably... Right?

"I don't have his number..." Akito replied, feeling even more guilty for lying. His crush's face seemed to darken. "What?" She said intensely. Before anything else could happen, Toya walked behind Akito. Akito noticed Toya's hand trembling as he put it on his shoulder. "A-Akito... We need to go... We'll be late." Toya nearly whispered. Immediately, Akito grew concerned. However, Akito didn't think it was a good idea to ask Toya about it in front of his crush.

Akito's crush squeezed Akito's hands tighter. "Could I come along with you..?" She whispered as the battered her eyelashes. Akito felt torn. Should he accept her request? Why was he even contemplating it..? Of course he wanted to spend extra time with his crush. But... Akito tried to look at Toya for guidance , but his crush's intense stare was hard to break away from. Toya hadn't said a word... Akito wasn't sure why he was even concerned in the slightest, as Toya was usually quiet. But...

Akito felt the pressure of the situation hit him. It seemed that he was the one who had to bear the burden of making the decision. Akito felt extremely happy that his crush had asked to go along with him. Even going so far as to put her hands on his. He smiled, feeling a little giddy as he closed his fingers on her hands that were squeezing his. Toya closed his eyes and braced himself for the worst as Akito replied. "Maybe some other time."

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