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Akito awoke to his older sister shaking him. He must've overslept... He wouldn't be able to go on a run this morning. "Come on you big dummy!" Ena giggled. "Alright, I'm up." Akito groaned. Ena rolled her eyes taking his cover away from him. "I need to see you stand up first." Ena smirked. "Ugh, just get out." Akito sighed sitting up. Ena slammed the door as she left. Akito sighed as he pulled out his phone. His eyes widened.

Toya: "Set Toya Up and Get the Girl?" What the fuck? Akito this plan...

Akito didn't read the whole text. He didn't even open it only viewing the preview. Akito was confused on how he found out about that. He searched his room and realized he left his notebook at the cafe... Shit. Akito's breathing increased as he panicked. He turned off his phone and slipped it into his back pocket. He couldn't bring himself to read the full text, let alone respond to it. Akito wanted to cry. Akito held back his tears as he did his hair and brushed his teeth.

Akito put his fingers on the crevices of his mouth and pulled upwards, forcing himself to smile. His cheeks pushed up against his green eyes, almost forcing tears out of them as Akito's vision blurred. He collected himself and calmed his breathing down. He used his bandaged hands to grabs his things and made his way out his door. He saw his sister struggling to hold her things. "Oh, thank goodness you're finally here! Here." She placed her stuff on top of Akito's, the weight pressing against his bandaged hands.

Akito let out a shaky sign as he carefully placed everything in the trunk. "What's wrong?" His mother asked. Akito smiled and shook his head. "It's nothing." He lied. His mother nodded as she got into the car. While she didn't really care for Akito either, Akito felt more attached to her. He guessed it was because she was better at pretending she cared. "You've got your wallet, right?" Ena asked. Akito looked out the window as he nodded. He didn't have the strength to say it in words.

"Ugh, fine. Be that way, jerk." She said looking out her own window. "...I don't really feel like driving." Akito's father sighed. His mother shrugged her shoulders as their heads turned to Akito. He knew what that meant. "Akito, dear. Would you drive the car?" His mother asked softly. Akito forced a smile. "Of course." Akito replied. They switched around in their seats. Ena and Akito's mother sat in the back while Akito's father sat in the passenger's seat.

So, that's how Akito, a seventeen year old who just got his drivers license, ended up driving his family down traffic intensive roads. He tried his best to keep his composure as they blasted music on the radio. Akito felt like he was going to explode. He couldn't focus on one thing, and his brain was everywhere. He had the urge to turn the music off, but he couldn't do that because it would upset his family. Usually, music was a form of solace for Akito, however it was really loud and distracting.

Not only that, it also frustrated him. The music that was played lacked a fundamental understanding of music theory and the vocals were mediocre at best as they sang about being the best alive. It felt like a mockery to actual talented musicians in Akito's eyes. Not only that, but Ena was pouting in the back. She was clearly upset that she had to go. Akito sighed as he pulled into a gas station. He looked at his father to fill the tank, but his father didn't get out of the car.

Akito realized that he had to. He unbuckled himself as he turned off the car. He walked inside the building and payed for sixty dollars of gas. That was a lot of money to Akito, but he knew it'd only get worse. He also grabbed a chocolate bar for Ena. He thanked the cashier as he went back outside. He pumped the gas inside the car. He rolled his eyes, of course his parents didn't fill the tank before they left. That would be asking for too much. He handed the chocolate to Ena.

She smiled and then looked the other way. Akito opened the white car door and slid down into the red seat. He was already getting exhausted. He turned the key to turn on the car as his buckle clicked in place with his other hand. Akito began to drive again. He had received multiple calls from Toya at this point, but he just put his phone on silent. Akito wanted nothing more than to hear Toya's voice... But, he'd be fine just keeping the memory of it if hearing again would mean ending their friendship.

Akito couldn't blame Toya if he felt that way... His plan was pretty scummy. He sighed. The rest of the car ride was incredibly stressful, as the amusement park was three hours away from home. Why did their father want to go somewhere so far? There was one near Akito's school, though Akito didn't really want to go there. He admitted to himself having to deal with the weirdo combo would be easier than this shit. Akito's hands ached as he pulled with all his might on the wheel.

"What the hell Akito!?" Ena yelled. "Oh, shut up. That car almost fucking wrecked into us, I had not choice." Akito growled. "Akito that is no way to act." His father chimed in. Akito saw his mother shake her head. "Oh hush it dad! You don't give a fuck." Ena rolled her eyes. The two began to argue. Akito felt his head spinning. He struggled to find a parking place. He payed fifteen dollars for it, as again, his parents didn't seem to care to pay. Though this was their trip that they wanted, not Akito's.

Akito sighed as he pulled into a parking place, he had to squeeze between two cars. Though, his struggle wasn't over. His father and sister were fighting. Throw ping random insults and curses at each other, while Akito's mother had ear plugs in. Akito couldn't take it anymore. He took his ID out of his wallet it handed it to his dad. "Have fun." He said with a stern voice as he exited the car. He opened up the maps app in his phone and had it guide him to the hotel he was forced to rent.

He sent a quick text to his dad of the hotel's location as he checked in. "Your hands... Are they alright?" The receptionist asked. Akito looked down at them and saw that the bracing was starting to peel off, and the purple was starting to show. Akito flashed an empty smile. "Yeah, just a mistake on my part." He laughed it off as the receptionist gave him the key to his hotel room. It was one room with two beds. That was all he could afford, working on minimum wage.

He crashed down on one of the beds as he pulled out his phone. He saw his notifications filled with calls and texts from Toya. Akito didn't have the strength to read his texts or reply to him. He feared what would happen if he did. Would he even know what to say? He glanced up to see that An posted on her social media account. An had a lot of followers online, and made quite the name for herself. Akito scrolled through her newest post's photos and saw Toya and Kohane in a picture together.

He felt his heart sink into his chest. He looked at the comments. "What a cute couple!" One said referring to the picture. "Are they making you third wheel? Poor An!" Another read. Akito felt his whole world crashing down, as for the first time in forever... He let himself cry. The situation too far out of his reach at this point. While he thought in his head that Toya would probably be happier with Kohane, and he didn't have a chance anymore anyways.... He hated this.

He didn't want things to end here... He didn't want to lose Toya. His tears trickled down from his rosy cheeks and onto the crack of his phone's screen, slowly moving its way off of it and landing on the sheets of the white hotel bedding. The surface of the sheet greyed as the tears dampened it. Akito wanted nothing more to be with Toya right now. To be by his side. To hear his voice. But, he couldn't. His body went limp as he spent the rest of the three days locked in the hotel room. Not wanting to leave it and just wanting to go home.

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