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Toya's Father's Perspective:

(It's been a couple weeks since Toya's rejected confession. Akito and Toya have been hanging out a lot more and are actually friends at this point.)

Recently, it seems that Toya has been coming home happier each day. He's talked to me more in the past few days than he has in the past few years. As his father, I should feel ashamed to say something like that. However, I feel pretty great. While we still have argued about things, Toya doesn't seem to be as affected as he used to be. While it was hard for me to accept at first, feeling as if he were ignoring my feelings, I think it's probably better this way.

I may not have been the best father ever... But, I love that boy more than anything else in this world. Even now, it's hard for me to go to bed at night. I wonder if Toya will leave me just as his brother did. When I think like that it is very easy for me to yell at him. I hate to admit it, but my fears consume me, rendering me unreasonable. I've heard the spiel from many of my colleagues. That I should be over it by now. Even now the guilt that I hadn't visited my son while he was dying in the hospital gets to me.

Sometimes I wonder if he gave up because he thought I didn't care about him... Though, it seems even now Toya doesn't see it. How he is throwing everything away. I've spent countless hours trying to make him understand. He doesn't see that his brother died so that Toya could succeed... While I'm glad he's happy... I can't help but feel as if he's rubbing it in my face. It's like he's forgotten. About what we all went through. About everything I did for him and his brother. It's frustrating.

Though, Toya's been making an effort to talk to me more. I wonder what's going on with him now. Has he made friends? Perhaps met a girl? These are the things I have cheated myself out on. While it may not be entirely my fault, as Toya doesn't know what he wants, it still hurts. Every time I try to tell him to go back to classical music he simply replies with "I'll consider it." before changing the subject. It tears me apart. It worried me that he'll ruin his life and I won't be able to help him.

Akito's Perspective:

Akito has gotten to know Toya better over the past couple of weeks bit by bit. Today was the day Akito decided that he was going to set his plan into motion. He called it operation "Set Toya Up and Get the Girl!" He stayed up late last night writing down his plan into his school notebook so he could carry it around with him for reference if he ever needed guidance. His plan was simple and consisted of five steps.

Step one: Befriend Toya and gain his trust.

This part is self explanatory. Over the past couple of weeks Akito can now say he genuinely sees Toya as his friend. Which in turn means that Akito trusts him. Which goes both ways.

Step two: Solve the situation with the Vivids and befriend them.

This would probably prove to be the hardest part of the plan. Kohane would be easier to befriend, as she was sweet and seemed to be already over it. However, An still had her reservations about Akito. It'd be difficult to get Kohane to date Toya if An was in the way.

Step three: Have Kohane join Akito and Toya when they go out and give her and Toya a chance to talk alone.

This step is again self explanatory. Akito would have to go through great lengths to make this work though, and give up his time with Toya, his friend, to get it right. Akito was sure he'd be able to figure it out.

Step 4: Make my move.

In this step, Akito would use the jealousy his crush feels about Toya and Kohane's growing relationship if everything else works out to his advantage. He'd offer to spend time with her as well as comfort. A shoulder to cry on, if you will. Growing as close as he can with her.

Step 5: Double Date.

In this fifth and final step, Akito would use his crush's infatuation with Toya to his advantage yet again. He'd have someone random invite her to an 'outing' and have them tell her only Toya would be there. Akito would have to get Toya on board with this, which should be easy as at this point, him and Kohane should be hitting it off. Then once Akito's crush would arrive, she'd be met with Toya, as well as Kohane. He'd have to act all confused as to why she was there and Akito would step in. Akito would make up a 'lie' that they were on a date as a way of 'covering' for her. Then Toya would suggest a double date, and his crush would have no choice but to have a date with him. And then they'd fall in love.

He shut his notebook and began to wonder. What if everything went accordingly? What then? How far did he actually want to take this? He stared up at his ceiling. He felt emptiness fill his chest. What if he still feels unfulfilled eve after all of the effort? Was it even worth the risk? Akito asked himself as he grabbed his notebook yet again and turned back to the page regarding his emotions. Suddenly an idea popped in his head. It was almost as if he were 'suspended in animation.' He wrote that down. He knew that that had to be what his next song had to be titled.

That brings us back to today. Akito shakily sighed as he walked over to An. He knew what he had to do. If he wanted to get to Kohane, he had to befriend An first. He had always known An as they shared the same dream of surpassing RAD WEEKEND ever since they were little. However, he was never really close with her. He'd occasionally hear her name on the streets and Akito visited her dad's cafe a lot. That was basically it. But now, he had to suck up his pride and apologize to her. Even though he didn't feel sorry, and felt she should be the one apologizing to him.

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