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I gripped my gun in my hands tightly as I walked into wicked. My heart was racing as I walked past the sensors. They switched to green. I had made it through. 

I wandered around, trying to look like I was doing something as I waited for Thomas and Teresa to arrive. Now we had to be careful. One wrong move and this whole operation would be over.

When I spotted them, I walked in front of them, making them hault. I nodded discretely for them to follow me. We made our way through the facility as normal as possible. Gally joined us. 

Teresa used her key card to open the basement stairs, which we cautiously made our way down.

"Hey guys, I can get in here." Gally removed his maskin frontnt of what looked like a fuse box.

Teresa sat down on the stairs, so I stood near to make sure she didn't make a run for it. However, she was creeping me out a little with how much she kept looking over at me.

"Alright, let's go." Gally put his mask back on.

We got ready for action, Teresa opened the door, and a wicked guard stood directly in front of us. Two more were stood at the desk behind.

Shooting at them, we got them down and headed over to the cells. I unlocked the boys cell, taking my mask off to show them I wasn't a threat. "Come on, let's go. You're safe now."

Thomas was spinning around, looking around the whole place. He looked at me. "He's not here."


He approached Teresa with a threatening stance. "Where the hell is he?"

She looked just as confused as the rest of us. "I don't know, he should've been here."

"Well, find out where he is."

"I think I can get in here." Gally motioned to the vault which the serum was being kept.

"Why would we want to get in there?" Thomas stood next to Teresa, who was on the computer.

"Newt's in the crank palace, but he still has some time before he's past the gone. If we make it out in time, that is."

Thomas looked at me, and I pleaded a little with my eyes. If there was even the slightest chance of saving him, I wanted to take it. "Alright, make it quick."

"Someone's moved him up to the medical wing." Teresa said "Thomas that's on the other side of the building."

This wasn't the way the plan was supposed to go. But we had already got this far, we couldn't turn back now. Not when we were so close to getting him back.

"Then you can take us there." Thomas nodded."Gally?"

"Just go, I'll meet you out back."

I got my mask back on and followed Thomas and Teresa into the hallway.

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