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I wandered over to Chuck, who was sitting peacefully, carving up some wood. He was the youngest person in the glade, probably only about twelve or thirteen. The sweetest person you could ever meet.

"Hey, what you doing there?" I smiled at him.

"Just a little something."

"Can I join you?"

He nodded, so I sat down next to him. "You know, there's quite a lot of flowers blooming this year."

I picked a daisy from the grass, holding it up to the light to inspect its delicate petals. "Have you ever made a daisy chain?"

"A what?"

I laughed. "I'll show you." I picked some more and started forming a chain from the stems. "It's pretty simple once you get the hang of it. Then, once you're done, you have a beautiful flower crown."

I popped the crown over his fluffy brown curls.

"It's quite pretty."

"Only problem is the flowers will die eventually. But it's fun while it lasts, right?" I started making another one.

"You should be working." Newt approached. He just couldn't stay away, could he?

"What happened to Alby telling you to stay away from me?"

He scoffed. "I'm still second in command, and I can tell you to pick your arse up if you're slacking."

I stood up, barely meeting his eye level. Then, he placed the second flower crown on his head, slightly lop sided. "A crown for your highness, because apparently you're the king of the damn glade."

He swatted it off, letting it drop to the ground. "Medjacks hut, now."

"Certainly your majesty." I curtseyed, hearing Chuck laughing behind me. Pursing my lips to hold back a smirk, as I sauntered past him towards the Medjack's hut.

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