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"Well, isn't this a sight?" Minho's sneering voice woke me from my slumber.
I was lying on my back, the covers in dissaray. One leg hanging out, and one arm stretched out, which my face was lying on. Newt was alseep on the chair, slouching uncomfortably, his arm extended, his fingertips an inch from touching mine. He woke up, noticing Minho and retracing his arm. I sat up in the bed, grabbed my shoe, and threw it at his head.   

"OW! What was that for?" He rubbed where it landed.

"Locking us in here all night!"

"Seemed to work." He smirked.

"Like fuck it did" I got out of the bed "I want extra bacon for this."

Newt got out of the chair, stretching. His joints cracked, I doubt he got much sleep. "Well I'm going to bed. I couldn't sleep in that damn chair."

"You always could've shared the bed." Minho winked.

"Get your arse in that bloody maze before I lock you in here."

He jogged off chuckling to himself.

With a stomach full of bacon, I happily headed back to the medjacks hut. Clint was tending to Alby, who still hadn't woken up, and Jeff was counting supplies. "We're not gonna last much longer."

"Don't worry, I think Minho and Thomas are onto something. They're in the maze right now."

"I'll watch Alby today." Clint offered "you two can work in the gardens today, there isn't much else to do."

"What about Teresa? She hasn't been assigned to a job."

"You could take her along too then."

I happily skipped over to the homestead to Teresa's room. Greenie's usually have to sleep in hammocks outside the homestead, because we ran out of room for people, but since Alby is in the medjacks, and with Teresa being a girl, we let her stay in his room. I knocked on the door and waited with hands behind my back. When the door opened she looked like she just woke up because her hair was ruffled.

"Hey, so since you don't have an assigned job I was wondering if you wanted to come work in the gardens with me and Jeff today?"

"Oh, yeah sure. Why don't you come in, while I get ready" she widened the door to let me in.

It felt a little strange to be in Alby's room. A bit like an invasion of privacy.

"I feel a bit weird about taking Alby's room" She brushed her hair "I've avoided touching most of the stuff exept for the bed, although they did give me clean sheets."

"We couldn't let you stay outside with those shanks."

She gave a warm smile "Ok then, lead me to the gardens."

I've never had so much fun in my life. Me and Teresa talked for ages while we worked, it was amazing talking to another girl for once. The morning flew by before I could even blink. After lunch time rolled over, Newt came out into the gardens.

"Did you finish planting the seeds?" Newt wandered over.

"Yes, just finished watering them."

Teresa sprayed a bit of water at me, sending me into a fit of laughter. I felt eyes on me, Newt was watching.

"Are you lost or something?"

"What? No, just, do your job and stop messing about." He walked back over to the tomato patch.

"He definitely has a crush on you." Teresa smirked.

"No he doesn't! He hates me, and I hate him."

"He hates you so much he looks at you like that?"

I sighed, sticking my shovel into the earth "You haven't been here long enough, we've had a life long hatred for eachother and I've only known him for a little over a year." I continued digging in the dirt, pushing her words to the back of my mind "Hey, do you mind going to the medjacks, to check how Alby's doing?"

"Sure, it's boiling out here anyway, I could use some shade." She dropped her shovel.

She was right, it was incredibly hot today. No wonder the plants needed watering so much.

Loud noises started coming from inside maze. It caught everyone's attention, stopping their work. We headed over to the entrance of the maze, just as Thomas and Minho jogged out.

"What the hell's going on out there?" Newt asked.

"We found something, we think it might be a way out." Thomas walked.


"He's right, it's an opening, something I've never seen before" Minho added.

"I think it's where the grievers go during the day."

"Wait you're saying you found the grievers home?" Chuck looked a bit worried "and you want us to go in there?"

"Their way in could be our way out Chuck."

"Or their could be a dozen grievers on the other side, Thomas doesn't know what he's done, as usual." Gally warned.

"Yeah? Well at least I did something Gally!" He squared up to him "What have you done besides from hide behind these walls all the time?"

"Let me tell you something Greenie, you've been here three days, aright, I've been here three years-"

"Yeah you've been here three years and you're still here Gally!"

"Guys!" Teresa was trying to get their attention, but they were too busy arguing.

"So many you should try doing things a little differently."

"Maybe you should be in charge? How about that?"

"It's Alby!" She yelled.

They stopped.

"He's awake."

Alby was sitting upright on the edge of the bed, a bedsheets wrapped around his chest. Newt approached him first, in a calm, soothing tone. " Alby?" He knelt down beside him "Alby you alright?"

Alby looked as if he was somewhere else. Tears streaming down his face. Thomas moved forward "Hey Alby, we may have just found a way out. You here that? We could be getting out of here."

"We can't." His lip trembled "We can't leave. They won't let us."

"Wh- what are you talking about?"

"I remember."

Alby remembered. He had his memories.

"What do you remember?"

"You." He turned to look at Thomas "You were always their favourite Thomas. Always. Why did you come here?"

Shouting echoed across the glade. Alby rocked on his knees with his head in his hands. We left him with Clint and Jeff to see what was going on outside.

People were running about, with torches in their hands. Newt caught Winston, who was running past. "What's going on?"

"It's the doors. They aren't closing."

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