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Back on the ground again. We headed through a town. Or what probably once was a town, now there were scavengers on the streets, trying to survive. Brenda stopped to pull up her trouser leg. There was a bite mark in her flesh.

"Shit." She cursed.

"Brenda -" Thomas started.

"I know, I know. Let's just find Marcus. He'll know where the right arm is, and it's the first place Jorge will go."

The place Brenda took us to was playing music. People were walking around outside, but there seemed to be much more inside.

"Are you here for the party?" A blonde woman approached us.

"We're looking for Marcus." Brenda said.

"Who's asking?" A man smirked at us.

"We're looking for our friends." Thomas explained, "our age, one girl with dark hair -"

"You know, I think they might be inside." He held out a glass bottle full of green liquid.

"What's that?"

"The price of admission."

Brenda grabbed the bottle without a second thought.

Wait --" Thomas was too late. She had already taken a gulp.

It seemed like a dumb move to both me and Thomas, for all we knew, it could be poisoned, and we could drop dead within the minute.

The man waited  until both of us had taken a drink of the strange liquid. It tasted awful, almost like petrol, burning down my throat.

After we all drank, he let us in. The music was thumping in my skull, and we had to wade through all the dancing bodies. Something on my stomach told me we made a mistake drinking that stuff and coming in here. The likelihood of the others coming here seemed slimmer and slimmer. My head began to feel dizzy from all the stimulation.

"I don't think we should have drank that stuff." I shouted to Thomas over the noise, but he was a fuzzy image.

Brenda came stumbling back through the crowd. "They aren't here."

"What?" I pressed a hand to my head, trying to focus on her face.

"I think we should dance while we're here. Let loose."

Thomas swayed beside me "We... should find them."

"Just relax. Kiss me." She cupped his face.

"No." He resisted.

"Why not?" She looked hurt.

"You're not her. "You could never be her."

My mind fell away into nothingness.

Why Can't I Hate You?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora