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Minho wasn't in the trailer. My heart ached. All this planning, and he wasn't even there. Why wasn't he there? He was supposed to be there.

I envisioned myself, going up to him and lifting his head up to look at me. Releasing him from his chains so we could wrap our arms around each other.

But that's not what happened.

Sonya and Aris, however, were in the trailer. Amongst over thirty others. We took them to get fed and watered, then while Vince talked to the group, we took Aris and Sonya to talk about everything that happened to them in the custody of wicked.

"What happened to you?" Thomas referred to the purple bruise on Aris's eye.

"I fought back." He smiled.

"You're lucky you found us at all." Sonya said. "They had us move around a lot."

That wasn't a surprise. We had been tracking their movements for months. It made sense that they would do that as it made it harder for us to find them.

"You got any idea where they were headed?" Newt questioned.

"They kept talking about a city."

Harriet looked confused. "I didn't think there were any cities left."

"That's because there aren't." Brenda added,"not standing anyway."

Thomas turned to Aris again. "Why wasn't Minho on the train?"

Aris swallowed hard. "I'm sorry Thomas, but he was."

How could we make such a big mistake? We picked the wrong carriage, and it cost us Minho.

Thomas gathered us to discuss a new plan to get Minho back. Placing a map on the table, pointing to an area, "I think that's the general area where they could be taking him. We could be there and back within a week."

"A week?" Vince scowled."Thomas, it took us months to get here. Wicked will be expecting us to hit again, and you don't know what's even out there!"

"I do." Jorge walked in."I've been there. The last city, that's what Wicked called it. If they're taking Minho somewhere, it's there." He pointed on the map."That's the last place you wanna be, Hermano. That's the lions den."

"It's nothing we haven't done before."

Vince wasn't convinced, "We've got at least a hundred kids here now. Wicked's getting closer to us every day, and I won't put everyone's life on the line for one man."

The security radar started beeping loudly. Thomas's eyes widened. "Shit. Hit the light!"

I ran over to the lights, switching them off. Darkness surrounded us. The only noise was our breathing. I could hear the bergs, searching, they sounded far away, but still close enough to hear. They were getting closer to us.

I went outside to head to bed for the night. My head needed clearing. Sleeping it off was the best thing to do.

"Y/n!" I heard my name being called. Newt ran up to me, brushing his hair out of his eyes where it fell. "I um... I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Minho. I know how close you were to him."

"It doesn't matter now. We failed. He's gone, and we're never going to get him back." I pushed my hands into my pockets. Thinking about wickeds attack on the camp, when they took him. The way I let them drag me away, I could've fought harder. "I should have done something instead of running away. Maybe he'd still be with us if I tried harder."

"There's nothing you could've done."

"I could've fought back! Rather than run like a fucking coward, I did it with Jeff and now Minho, and I can't help but think if I'd fought harder things would've been different. I'm a shucking-"

His lips were on mine, cutting me off. For a split second, my mind blanked until I realised what was happening. He was kissing me. I was kissing Newt.

I pushed him away, stepping back. "What the hell!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

I shook my head, overwhelmed with everything. "Goodnight, Newt." I hurried off to my hammock, my mind rushing at a million miles per hour.

As I layed in my hammock, the moment replayed in my head. I sat up in frustration, hitting my pillow. Why won't it leave my brain? It was just a stupid kiss. Taking a deep breath, I layed down and closed my eyes again, thinking about the glade.

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