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                    Melo's POV

"I really think you should talk to her" I said as I rubbed mani's feet

About a week ago Gelo told me that Nikki wanted to speak to imani and have a woman to woman conversation

At first it sounded like she wanted the inside scoop on something that Gelo wasn't telling her the full truth about but the more I think about it I honestly just think she needs somebody to talk to

Ally doesn't really speak to her and neither does Kaliah

You already know damn well she's not speaking to Evoni so that really only leaves mani

Imani: "I don't see why I should"

"I think she just needs somebody to talk to"

Imani: "get a therapist"

"I meant someone who's also having their first kid"

Imani: "join a mommy and me group for first time mothers"

"Somebody who knows what it's like to be in her shoes"

Imani: "Never been a side bitch before"

"Another woman"

Imani: "she's got a mother"

"I think it might be a good idea"

Imani: "why?"

"Maybe you can get inside her head and figure out why she's so angry all the time"

Imani: "once again that's a job for a therapist"

"Maybe you could give her some advice"

Imani: "yeah the first piece of advice would be to not Pursue  men who are in relationships"

Them having a sit down clearly isn't gonna happen

Imani: "I don't see what I could possibly have to offer her. The shit she's done is despicable "

"The blame isn't all on her, Gelo knew he was in a relationship"

Imani: "of course but once she learned that he was in a relationship she should've stopped talking to him. Regardless of whatever break they were on."

"No one knows what Gelo told her"

Imani: "that makes it worse because as a woman why didn't you investigate?"

"I told you I had feelings for you while I was with ashely" I pointed out

Imani: "did we fuck or even cross that line while you were with her?"


Imani: "did I validate anything you said to me while you two were still together?"


Imani: "did I or did I not go directly to Ashley after you told me y'all broke up to confirm that y'all were actually 100 percent done?"

"You did" I said as I scratched the back of my neck

Imani: "I checked every box before even agreeing to go on a date with you out of respect for Ashley even though I couldn't stand her ass. Nikki wasn't thinking about anybody else's feelings when she slept with Gelo"

I had no response because she was right

I damn near begged imani for 2 weeks to let me take her on a date after I broke things off with Ashley but she made me wait because she claimed I needed to be alone for a minute

It was the dumbest shit I ever heard but I went along with it because I wanted to take her out

She wouldn't even kiss me until she knew I was sure about her

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