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                  |Imani's POV|

Kaliah: "you never told me why you asked if I liked Melo"

"It was nothing" I shrugged

Kaliah: "did he tell you to ask me?"

I shook my head

Kaliah: "thank goodness cause I don't see him that way and I don't want it to be awkward between us"

I just nodded in agreement

Kaliah: "you wanna talk about why you've been M.I.A for the last 2 weeks?"

I shook my head

Kaliah: "you're still coming with me to that party tonight right?"

"Yeah, I need to have a little fun" I nodded

Kaliah: "great so I won't be alone" she smiled

"Who else is goin?"

Kaliah: "E, Ally, Gelo, Melo, and E's cousin Dan"

I nodded and felt a sense of security knowing our whole group was going

I've never met Dan but I've heard a lot about him though

Me and Kaliah spent hours getting ready

"Are we driving there?"

Kaliah: "we're catching a Uber because I'm pretty sure we're both gonna drink tonight"

I just nodded in agreement

Once we got there Evoni introduced us to her cousin Dan and showed us what table they picked for us to sit at

Right off the bat he was flirting with Kaliah and of course she took the bait

I stayed with ally for a little bit before heading over to the bar area

I drank damn near every non alcoholic drink that they had on the menu because Im not really a drinker

I don't think being fucked up in a public setting is a good look for anybody... clearly nobody else in my group got the memo though

The party started at 10 and ended at 3 but I was ready to go by 12.

All the girls were fucked up except ally

It was clear that she was drunk but not to the point where her words were slurring

All the guys were completely hammered except Dan

"I'm surprised you're not twisted" I said above the music

Dan: "I'm not a drinker; I get high bsbygirl" he laughed

High off of what? Was the real question but I didn't ask

Dan: "I think it's time we left though. I drove my brothers van here...there's a seat left if you need a ride home" he offered

Melo: "after party at gelo's..you..you gotta come" he said as walked over and threw his arm around my shoulder

His words were slurring so I knew it was definitely time to leave

"Actually I came with Kaliah but if  you could give her a ride that would be great" I said to Dan

Dan: "what about you? How are you getting home?"

Melo: "Don't worry about her; I-I got her" He said as he started putting his fingers in dan's face

"Melo!" I said as i popped his hand

Dan: "It's cool. I know he won't remember none of this tomorrow" he laughed

"You need to sit down" I said as I helped Melo to the couch

He just stared at me as he sat down

"Don't move until I come back to get you"

Melo: "whatever you say beautiful" he smiled

I just laughed before walking back over to Dan

"Sorry about him." I said as I shook my head

Dan: "he's the least of my worries; you never answered how you were getting home"

Ally: "where's memo? Did he drive home already?"

"You mean Melo? Did he drive here?!"

Ally: "yeah we're leaving but we can't find Nemo" She said as her eyes started to fill up with tears

I just took a deep breath And shook my head

"I'll find him just go home"

Ally wiped her tears and nodded

Dan: "I gotta get them home before they end up drinking some more.  it was nice meeting you; get home safe" he said

"You too" I said as he walked away

I sighed as I headed back to get Melo

No surprise he wasn't where I left him

I went around asking random people if they knew him and saw where he went

90% of them knew him but had no idea where he was

I ended up meeting some girl name Ashley who said she knew him and saw him go upstairs

I nodded and headed upstairs to search for him

I found him in a bathroom slumped over the toilet

He was throwing up everywhere
Luckily it wasn't on his body

I patted him down while he was throwing up hoping to find his car keys

They weren't on him but a piece of paper was

"Of course" I said to myself once I realized it was the receipt to the valet service

I helped Melo off the floor and back down the stairs

He seemed to be sobering up a little but not much

We got to the parking lot and got the valet to bring his car around

"Of course he'd bring out the shiny ass red Ferrari" I scoffed as I helped him in the car

He's so lucky there was no pap around because they'd have a field day with this

Melo: "mani I'm starving" He groaned

"Did you eat before you started drinking?"

Melo: "n-pull over" He said as his eyes went wide

I pulled over and the door flew up

Next thing I knew he was throwing up again

Melo: "I ain't never doing this shit again" he groaned as he closed the door

I just shook my head and drove to McDonald's

I ordered his usual which was a Big Mac, fries, and a sprite.

The girl in the window gave me the dirtiest look when I was paying for the food because she peeped Melo in the passenger seat

I pretended not to notice before heading to the next window to get the food then I sped off

"Here" I said as I gave him the bag

Melo: "good looks" He said as he started eating some of the fries

It felt like it took forever to get to his house but once we got there I parked the car in the garage and helped him into the house

From then on I basically helped him do everything else

I was debating on if I wanted to help him shower..I wasn't gonna do it at first but then I remembered that he was still drunk and it wasn't like I hadn't already seen him naked so I helped him do that too

Once I finished helping him get dressed He laid down and went to sleep

It was almost 4 am so I just went ahead and took a shower then went to sleep in the guest room

Everybody was gonna hear my mouth in the morning because they agreed not to get hammered

STARTED: 05/20/2022
PUBLISHED: 05/23/2022
UPDATED: 03/16/2024

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