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Melo's POV

I just sat and listened as Zo and Gelo argued

They've been at it for at least 3 hours and I was beyond over the bullshit

The girls were out having a girls day so it was just us

Gelo was pissed off because Denise composed a girls day and didn't invite Nikki

I already told Gelo that it was probably weird for them because they still hung out with Evoni

I've been texting mani and letting her know what's been goin on here and she's been relaying the message to ally who's phone just so happened to die while Zo was on the phone with her

I still believe she hung up and turned that motherfucka off

Gelo: "that's not the point!"

Zo: "that IS the point. You can't just force your girlfriend on people! You gave us a half assed story on how you met her until E told everybody you cheated! THEN reveal she's pregnant and expect people to just be fine with that?! Bullshit. "

Gelo: "you did the same shit with Denise!"

See that's where he was wrong

The whole family already knew denise and for years might I add

When they announced to the family that she was pregnant it was done personally BEFORE hitting the media so everyone had time to properly digest the news

With Gelo and Nikki the shit was just sprung on everybody AND the shit was done in such a poor  fashion that it left everybody in shock

You can't just cheat on your girlfriend during the time she needed you the most and act like it's all her fault once everything comes to the light

That's one bad thing already

Now to break up with her and go public with the same girl you cheated on her with is another bad thing

To bring the side piece around your family and friends like nothing happened was even worse

BUT To top it off you got the side piece pregnant.

The same time your girlfriend was going through what she was going through...your ass was celebrating a whole different pregnancy with a whole different woman!

You can't expect people to forgive you for that..let alone be friendly with the side piece

That shit put everybody in such an uncomfortable position

I've been cool with E from the moment she got with Gelo and he thinks I'm supposed to side with him because he's my brother?

Fuck no!

What he did was wrong

I couldn't even imagine doing anything like that to Imani

It would kill me to even see her in such a vulnerable state..matter of fact I would be grieving WITH her

The last thing on my mind would be another woman

I just groaned before heading to the kitchen to find something to eat

Knowing Zo there had to be some type of snacks in this bitch

I found some Oreos in the pantry so I took a pack of those then got me a glass of milk

I dreaded heading back into the living room but his sofa was way more comfortable than his dinning room chairs

Zo: "what you did was fucked up and as your brother my job is to let you know when you're fucking up. Anything I ever say to you will never coming from a place of hate bro, I just want you to do better"

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