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                  Imani's POV

I just sat around and watched as everybody talked and danced around the ball household

We were back in chino for 2 weeks to check out the house Melo bought but little did we know.. everyone was back in town also

I knew Gelo would be here because he never left..I was expecting to see him

I had no clue that his new girlfriend  would be here though

Nikki: "I'm excited to finally meet you; Liangelo talks about you a lot" she smiled as she talked to Melo

I yawned as I texted the group chat which consisted of me, Ally, Kaliah, and Evoni

E was telling us about her upcoming performance and how she wanted us to come and see her in her element.

All of us were instantly excited and started replying with songs we wanted to see her perform

Lavar: "can I holla at you real quick?" He asked as he tapped me on my shoulder

That was the quietest I've ever heard him be so I was worried

I nodded and followed him out front since there was so many people in the backyard

Lavar: "what's going on with you and Melo?" He asked softly

Now I'm extremely concerned

"Nothing unless he said something to you"

Lavar: "he hasn't said anything about the wedding so I assumed there was trouble in paradise" he chuckled

I let out a sigh of relief

I really thought something was wrong

"We've decided to just have a small ceremony"

Lavar: "I thought you wanted a giant wedding, Mike told me all about it. If it's a money problem me and your dad can have it solved"

I let out a small smile before shaking my head

"The money isn't an issue it's more of a guest list issue"

Lavar: "ahh the good ol' who can and can't come"

"No it's not that..we wanna invite majority of the same people"

Lavar: "then what's the hold up?"

"Everybody's fighting."

Lavar frowned his eyebrows in confusion

Lavar: "you kids always leave me out of the loop so I have no clue what's goin on"

"Gelo and Evoni are still going at it but this time it's over some songs she released"

Lavar: "is it their wedding?"


Lavar: "right so forget about them..next?"

"Gelo and Melo aren't on the best of terms"

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