"She called 911. Get her out of my sight." I order him, picking up the phone from the floor to call Natasha. She lives in the next building. I walk to the table checking the live feed to see an officer arguing with the front desk to let him in.

My fingers clutch the phone tightly in anger, it's the small mistakes that lead to a bigger disaster. The police coming inside the house would soon turn into a demand to check the property. The bratva can't possibly buy every police officer, and what worth we would be if we needed help to clean every single shit.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Ruslan opening the cap of a bottle as Gaia now perched on a chair was coughing.

"Didn't you hear me Ruslan get her out of here." I yell at him, my voice booming inside the house.

His face twisted in disapproval, but he gave me a stiff nod taking her towards the elevator. I threaded my fingers in my hair nearly pulling them out in frustration. Gaia's gaze burned a hole in the back of my head. I turned around to see her looking at me with her swollen eyes. Tears stream down her cheeks, but she hasn't bothered to wipe them.

She jolted from her stupor as the elevator door opened with a ping.

"You wronged me, Kazimir. You kidnapped me." She roared at me, her eyes filled with disbelief and anger. Ruslan came forward and ran his hand over her back soothingly. "Don't act like a fucking victim here." she broke down, leaning back toward Ruslan's soothing hand.

"I was reluctant to be free again because I think what I feel for you isn't Stockholm syndrome." She whimpered, her eyes had turned completely red from all the crying. I felt the walls closing in on me and felt like she was going far away from me, but I just couldn't move.

"You had years to wrap your head around your feelings... If you really loved me, if it was just an infatuation, an adventure." She sobbed out, Ruslan's eyes snapped towards me after hearing that I had told her everything about that day. Her weight suspended on Ruslan as I saw all the fight drain out from her body, Ruslan had to clutch her around her waist to hold her still. I turned green with envy to see them standing so close. And her next words broke something inside me.

"..But you expect me to fall head over heels in love with you in just 20 days. How is that fair Kazimir. How..." She wanted to say a lot more but her voice broke.

Ruslan took her to the elevator, and the doors closed without any of them turning around to give me a last glance.


"So what's the nature of your relationship" The cop asked us. Clicking on his pen to write our answers down on his notepad which looked like he hadn't used them in months. No wonder why an officer like him was sent. An old guy with a beer belly, along with a female rookie cop who was more interested in the dresses I had got for Gaia. Nothing ever comes out from these high-end buildings apart from these cops getting out a thousand dollars richer.

"She is my fuck buddy. I call her when I am horny." I answer.

The officer coughed as his gaze moved toward Natasha who was sitting on the other end of the three-sitter couch as she opened her legs slowly, then folded them over doing her basic instinct routine as she wore the t-shirt I had discarded last night. and I sat in my boxer briefs.

My finger itched to shoot Natasha, despite my warning to not do anything extra. She is fucking doing it. And this dirty fucking pervert cop who looks ready to sell his soul to have Natasha in his clutches. And that fucking bitch of a rookie cop eyeing the dresses, the house and me. And I thought I was a criminal.

"She is the one who called so I want to hear from her." The cop threatens.

"I just told you we are friends with benefits." I try to argue in a bored voice. He widens his eyes in an attempt to patronize I raised my hands in silent surrender and gestured towards Natasha.

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