✧ ˚ 40 · forty .

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As the evening sun started its descent, Ava slipped into her Aurum suit. 

Ascending into the sky, the upgraded Aurum suit embraced her figure. Thanks to her collaborative effort with her father, she had incorporated her own AI, THURSDAY, into the suit. Her father might not have been particularly impressed with the name, but Ava found comfort in its familiarity.

Just as her boots touched down on the familiar rooftop where she hides her bag, THURSDAY's digital voice broke through the silence, alerting her to breaking news of a bank robbery unfolding downtown—ironically, right across the street from Delmar's.

So she ascended into the sky once again. Swift and determined, she closed the distance to the scene in mere moments. As she descended and set foot on the street, a surprising sight greeted her. Peter, clad in his Spider-Man suit, was caught within a maelstrom of blue energy, tossed around inside the store like a ragdoll. The unexpected sight left her momentarily stunned.

The criminals causing the havoc sported masks representing various Avengers, their presence emphasizing a twisted irony. Amidst the chaos, a whirlwind of cash was sent spiralling through the air.

"Spider-Man!" The urgency in her voice echoed as she surged into the bank, her boots pounding against the floor as she rushed to Peter's aid. Yet, before she could fully comprehend the chaotic scene, the figure resembling Captain America had once again seized Peter, hurling him mercilessly into the signage beside the entrance.

"Hey, Aurum..." Peter's pained greeting reached her ears, a grimacing under his mask as he attempted to regain his bearings amidst the turmoil.

Her focus shifted to the fake Captain America, who aimed the anti-gravity device at her, intending to disrupt her balance. Ava's reflexes took over, her palms instinctively rising in a defensive stance. The energy discharged from the weapon struck her outstretched hands, and a curious blend of sensation coursed through her. A fleeting shimmer of blue danced within her irises, a visual echo of the absorbed energy, before fading back into her customary golden hue.

However, the respite was short-lived, as an unexpected blow from behind sent shockwaves through her senses. Fake Thor, wielding the butt of his shotgun like a makeshift weapon, delivered a forceful strike to the back of her head. Pain blossomed at the impact, forcing her to stumble and collapse onto the floor, her vision momentarily swimming with disorientation.

"Aurum!" Peter's concerned cry reverberated in her ears, igniting a surge of determination within him as he rallied to fend off the remaining assailants. As the anti-gravity device surged to life once more, 'Iron-Man' aimed it in Peter's direction. Swiftly, Peter's webbing found its mark, ensnaring both the imposter and the weapon in a sticky embrace against the glass surface. 

Ava's groan resonated as she struggled to regain her footing, her senses still reeling from the unexpected blow. Before she could fully stabilize herself, a new threat emerged in the form of the fake Hulk brandishing yet another weapon. The ominous activation of the device pierced the air, its shrill sound a precursor to the unleashing of a vibrant purple laser beam. Its intensity surged, propelling Ava and Peter backward with a force that could only be compared to the aftermath of a thunderous explosion.

The laser's trajectory carried it beyond Peter's form, propelling it past the bank's threshold and into the heart of Mr. Delmar's Deli. A sharp cry of despair escaped Ava's lips as she comprehended the impending disaster, her determination propelling her to action. Acting on instinct, she hurled herself into the path of the destructive beam, her body becoming a barrier against its searing path. Heat engulfed her, the intensity nearly unbearable, but she pressed on. With outstretched hands, she fought to absorb the energy, channelling it through herself in a desperate bid to avert further devastation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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