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During the months of Tony's absence, life for Ava and her makeshift family underwent a profound transformation. Pepper took on more responsibility at Stark Industries, her determination and strength shining through as she juggled her duties and her commitment to Ava's well-being. Meanwhile, Rhodey stepped back into the role of a devoted caregiver, moving into the mansion to be a constant presence in Ava's life.

With each passing day, Ava would ask hopefully if there was any news on her dad's whereabouts, but the response remained constant - they were still searching for him. The news weighed heavily on Ava, a persistent reminder of the void in her life without Tony's familiar presence. She often found herself feeling adrift and melancholic, yearning for the days when her father would embrace her with love and laughter.

Despite the ache in her heart, Rhodey and Pepper worked tirelessly to create a supportive and loving environment for Ava. They would embark on thrilling adventures around the city, filling her days with excitement and wonder. Together, they played games that brought joy to her young heart, and they continued the tradition of making pancakes on Mom's special day, even though the absence of Tony's laughter made the day bittersweet.

In the quiet moments, when Ava would gaze at the stars before bedtime, she clung to the memories of her dad. His warmth, the feeling of his arms around her, and the sound of his comforting voice lingered in her heart. Despite the pain of his absence, she held onto the unwavering hope that he was out there somewhere, safe and waiting to come back to her.

Every night, Ava would send her prayers to the heavens, a hopeful plea for her dad's safe return. Her makeshift family was a source of love and support, but nothing could replace the bond she shared with her father. She knew that he was her hero, and she longed for the day when he would walk through the door, embracing her with a love that was uniquely his.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the moment they had prayed for arrived. Tony was found and brought back home. As he stepped through the door, Ava's heart soared with joy, and tears streamed down her cheeks.

With a beaming smile, she rushed into his arms, feeling the familiar warmth and comfort she had missed so much. Tony embraced her tightly, holding her close as if he would never let go, whispering reassuring words that made her heart swell with love.

"I missed you so much, Daddy,"

"I missed you too, sweetheart," Tony replied, his voice catching with emotion. He gazed into her eyes, his heart overflowing with love for his daughter. "You have no idea how much I longed to be back with you."

Ava's eyes shone with happiness and unwavering trust. "I knew you would come back, Daddy," she said, her voice brimming with confidence. "I never stopped believing in you."

Tony's smile widened, and he gently brushed a hand over Ava's cheek. "And I never stopped thinking about you, my brave little girl," he said, his voice filled with pride. "You are my strength, and you kept me going through the toughest of times."

Hugging him even tighter, Ava felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and love. The pain of their separation was replaced by the pure joy of being together again. In that moment, everything felt right.

"I love you, Daddy," Ava whispered, her voice full of affection.

"I love you too, Ava," Tony replied, his voice soft and sincere. "More than words can express."

As the heart-warming reunion unfolded, Pepper watched from a distance, tears of happiness and relief glistening in her eyes. "Don't squeeze him too hard, Ava. Daddy is still a little hurt," she chimed in with a gentle smile.

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