✧ ˚ 31 · thirty-one .

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow, Aurum and Spider-Man stood together on a rooftop. Peter's new suit gleamed, a testament to their collaboration.

They settled their backpacks, and Ava asked a practical question, "So how do you find crime at night?"

Peter's smile was wry, his eyes determined. "It's like a sixth sense. Listening for trouble, following instincts," he explained. "I have this thing, like I can detect when somethings about to happen—I get this tingly feeling."

Ava's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her curiosity evident. "You tingle?" she questioned, a hint of amusement tugging at her lips.

A playful grin crossed Peter's face at Ava's bemused expression. "Yeah, you could say that," he responded with a chuckle. "It's like a sensation that starts at the back of my neck and kind of travels down my spine. Hard to explain, but it's usually a good indicator that there's trouble brewing."

Ava's lips curled into a smirk as she leaned against the rooftop's ledge, her eyes studying him with a mixture of intrigue and amusement. "So, your superpower is... a tingling sensation?" she quipped, a hint of playful sarcasm in her voice.

Peter's laughter was genuine, a shared moment of light-heartedness that seemed to bridge the gap between their worlds. "Well, it's not as flashy as flying or shooting lasers, but it gets the job done," he retorted, his tone playful. "How do you find crime?" he inquired, his curiosity evident.

Ava's response was swift, her wrist rising to display her watch. "I programmed FRIDAY to listen to police radios, search traffic cameras, and etcetera," she explained, a smirk dancing on her lips.

The sound of Peter's muffled laughter reverberated through his mask, "okay, tech genius," he retorted, amusement evident in his tone.

Ava's giggle was infectious, a burst of lightness that seemed to fill the air. "You made those web-shooters, don't sell yourself short—tingle boy," she teased.

Peter's laughter subsided, a contented smile beneath his mask. "Alright, fair point," he conceded, the banter a bridge between their worlds.

Ava's gaze held a spark of mischief as she leaned against the ledge. "So, tingle boy, shall we start our patrol?" she suggested, her tone a blend of playfulness and purpose.

Peter's leap propelled him through the night, web lines weaving his path. Ava hovered above, their coordination seamless through an encrypted earpiece she had stolen.

The night was calm—a mugging, a cat rescue—until Ava's watch vibrated urgently. "Silent alarm at a shop on 52nd," she announced.

Redirecting their course, Ava took the lead, airborne, while Peter followed, web-swinging through the city's labyrinth. As they reached the street, Ava's sharp eyes caught sight of the targeted shop. A car was parked outside, and within the store's confines, four masked figures were engaged in what appeared to be a burglary. Ava's quick assessment painted a clear picture.

Peter arrived at the scene to find Ava one step ahead, her plan already formulated. Her words were concise and strategic, a testament to her quick thinking. "I'll go first—make sure they're unarmed—then you drop in, and we can take two each," she outlined.

Ava's graceful descent brought her to a concealed position near the shop's entrance. From her vantage point, she observed the movements of the masked intruders, her golden energy ready to be harnessed. Her technological finesse allowed her to scan for any concealed weapons, ensuring that their approach would be as controlled as possible.

Aurum ✧ Peter ParkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora