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As Ava stood beside Tony, her small hand tightly grasping his, she looked around the cemetery with wide, innocent eyes. Everything seemed so big and overwhelming. The dark clouds loomed overhead, casting a gloomy shadow over the gathering. Ava couldn't understand why everyone looked so sad. Her heart felt heavy, and tears welled up in her eyes as she realized that they were here for her mommy.

She tried to listen to the soft music playing, but the melodies only made her feel sadder. The officiant spoke words that she didn't fully understand, and people around her sniffled and wiped away tears. Ava looked up at Tony, seeking comfort in his presence. She knew he was there for her, but it didn't take away the pain.

One by one, people went up to the front and talked about her mommy. They shared stories and memories, and Ava listened intently, her little mind trying to grasp the essence of what they were saying. She heard laughter and saw tears, but it all felt so confusing. She missed her mommy's voice and her warm hugs.

When it was her turn to speak, Ava felt a mixture of fear and determination. She clutched the piece of paper in her hands, her small fingers trembling. Walking up to the podium, she looked out at the faces of those gathered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Mommy," she began, her voice shaking. "I love you so much. You always made me feel safe and loved. I miss your hugs and your smile. Thank you for being the best mommy in the whole world."

Ava's words were simple and heartfelt, but the weight of her emotions hung heavy in the air. She felt a mix of relief and sadness as she returned to Tony's side. He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. Ava leaned into him, finding comfort in his presence.

As the ceremony came to an end, Ava and Tony approached the casket together. Ava's heart pounded in her chest as she saw her mommy lying there, so peaceful yet so still. She reached out and gently placed a single white rose on her mommy's chest, whispering a final goodbye.

Tears streamed down Ava's face as the casket was lowered into the ground. She clung to Tony's hand, seeking solace in his touch. It was hard for her to comprehend that her mommy wouldn't be there to tuck her in at night or kiss her goodnight.

As they turned to leave the cemetery, Ava held onto Tony's hand a little tighter. She knew that even though her mommy was no longer with them, she still had Tony.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚

Back at the mansion, the heaviness of grief lingered in the air. The usually vibrant mansion now felt quiet and subdued. Tony led Ava to the living room, where a warm fire crackled in the fireplace, casting flickering shadows on the walls. He wrapped a soft blanket around her and sat down beside her on the couch. Ava rested her head on his shoulder, seeking comfort in his presence.

"I wish mommy was here," Ava whispered, her voice breaking with emotion.

"I do too," Tony said, his own voice thick with sadness. "Your mommy was a wonderful person, and she loved you more than anything in the world."

Ava nodded, clutching Mr. Snuggles tightly to her chest. "Will I ever stop feeling this sad?" she asked, her innocent eyes searching for answers.

Tony sighed, realizing the weight of what she was asking. "It's okay to feel sad, Ava," he said softly. "Grief is a natural part of losing someone we love. It's something we carry with us, but it becomes easier to bear with time."

"But I don't want to forget mommy," Ava said, tears welling up again.

"You won't forget her, sweetheart," Tony reassured her. "She will always be a part of you, in your heart and in your memories. And you can talk about her and keep her memory alive whenever you want."

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