✧ ˚ 12· twelve .

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As the day wore on, Ava found herself locked in the confines of her room, unable to face her father after their heated argument. Tensions were still high, and the words she had hurled at him lingered in her mind like bitter echoes. Regret gnawed at her heart, for she loved her father deeply, despite their differences. It was his actions, his neglect during her formative years, that she couldn't reconcile with.

Her room felt suffocating, a battleground of emotions that mirrored the turmoil within her. The unpacked posters and books remained in their boxes, a physical manifestation of her unwillingness to replace the memories of her previous dorm room. Those posters and decorations had been a piece of home, a link to her past, but they now lay dormant, a symbol of the upheaval in her life.

Lying on her bed, exhaustion, a hangover, and emotional turmoil washed over Ava like an unrelenting wave. Her eyes fixed on the ceiling, where once her childhood bedroom had been adorned with glow-in-the-dark stars, reminders of simpler times. But now, in this new room, devoid of those stars, tears welled in her eyes. It felt as though the memories of her mother were fading away, slipping through her fingers like grains of sand.

The pain of her mother's absence was a constant ache in her heart, and she clung desperately to anything that reminded her of the love and warmth they had shared. But the void left by her mother's passing seemed to grow with each passing day, and the absence of the familiar stars on the ceiling only deepened that ache.

Ava's emotions were a tangled mess, and in that moment of vulnerability, she wished she could have her mother by her side, someone to hold her and offer comfort. But life had dealt her a cruel hand, taking her mother away too soon and leaving her to navigate the complexities of her relationship with her father on her own.

Ava reached for her nightstand where she had secretly stashed a pack of cigarettes. She pulled one out, hesitating for a moment before lighting it with the nearby lighter. Inhaling deeply, she let the smoke fill her lungs, seeking a brief escape from the emotional turmoil swirling within her.

She knew that smoking was just a temporary escape, a Band-Aid for the pain she couldn't bear to confront head-on. But in that moment, it was the only thing that offered a semblance of relief. She took another drag, the smoke curling around her like a protective cocoon, shielding her from the harsh realities of her life.

With trembling hands, Ava reached for her phone, seeking solace in the voice of the one person who could always lift her spirits. With a deep breath, she dialled the number, and on the other end, Sarah's cheerful voice greeted her, instantly bringing a glimmer of comfort.

"Hey babe! How are you feeling? Jetlagged?" Sarah chimed with her usual exuberance, already missing her best friend's company.

Ava managed a faint smile, grateful for Sarah's unwavering support. "Like shit. Just had a massive blowout with my dad," she confessed, her voice tinged with a mix of frustration and sadness.

"I'm so sorry, Ava," Sarah empathized, her tone softening. "Do you want to talk about it? I'm here for you."

Ava's eyes welled up with tears as she poured her heart out to her best friend. She recounted the heated argument with her father, the pent-up resentment, and the deep longing for a connection that always seemed just out of reach. Sarah listened intently, offering words of comfort and understanding, her presence a soothing balm to Ava's wounded soul.

"I just don't know what to do anymore," Ava admitted, her voice quivering with emotion. "I love him, but it's like we're speaking different languages. He's always so focused on being a hero, and I'm just... lost."

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