✧ ˚ 27 · twenty-seven .

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One year had passed since Ava Stark first stepped into Midtown High School, and life had taken some unexpected turns. They had moved out from the Avengers tower into a more secluded facility upstate. The transition to the new facility had its challenges for Ava. While she had become accustomed to her double life as a student by day and a superhero by night, the move to the secluded facility brought a new level of complexity to her routine. The distant location made it more difficult to slip away unnoticed as Aurum without raising suspicions with her father.

Speaking of her father, he had become more reserved after a rough breakup with her step-mom, Pepper. In the days that followed the breakup, Tony immersed himself even more deeply in his work, throwing himself into one project after another. The familiar hum of his workshop became a constant backdrop to their lives, a refuge where he sought solace and distraction from his emotional turmoil. Ava watched from the periphery, wishing she could offer him the comfort he needed.

Their interactions had changed too. While Tony remained a loving and protective father, there was an underlying tension in their conversations, an unspoken sadness that lingered between them. Ava longed for the heart-to-heart talks they used to have, the times when they would laugh over shared jokes or discuss the wonders of technology and science.

Ava was truly flourishing at Midtown High. Her time there had become a period of remarkable growth and achievement. Not only did she excel academically, consistently earning top marks in all her classes, but she also showcased her extraordinary athleticism by consistently securing victory in every gymnastic competition she entered. Her dedication to excellence and her relentless work ethic made her a standout student.

The robotics project, a collaborative effort between Ava, Ned, and Peter, had been nothing short of a resounding success. The trio's combined expertise and creative synergy had resulted in a project that impressed both their peers and their teachers. 

Yet, Ava's achievements extended beyond the classroom and the gymnasium. Through her genuine interactions and her approachable nature, she had managed to captivate the attention of her fellow students. Her willingness to lend a helping hand and her knack for making others feel valued had endeared her to many, ultimately leading her to become one of the most popular girls in the school beside one of her closest friends, Liz.

However, amidst the achievements and popularity, Ava's feelings for Peter Parker persisted. Each stolen glance, every stolen moment, fuelled her affection for him. Yet, the complexities of her life made it challenging to express her emotions openly, and the fear of jeopardizing their friendship held her back.

Ava walked briskly through the bustling halls of Midtown High School, her backpack slung over one shoulder. The school was alive with the energy of students rushing to classes, laughter echoing against the lockers, and the sound of footsteps that created a rhythm of its own. Ava's presence drew friendly waves and nods from her classmates, evidence of the friendships she had cultivated over the past year.

She approached her locker, the metal door covered in stickers and notes that reflected her personality. As she turned the dial to unlock it, she noticed a group of familiar faces gathered nearby. Liz, Michelle, and a couple of other friends were engrossed in a conversation. Ava smiled and greeted them as she swung her locker door open.

"Hey, Liz. What's up, Michelle? New book?" she said, her tone friendly and warm.

Michelle looked up from her book, her expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. "Hey, Ava. Yep, just got my hands on this one. It's supposed to be a real page-turner," Michelle replied, her voice carrying a hint of excitement.

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