✧ ˚11· eleven .

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Ava didn't know how long she had been crying, but her tear-stained cheeks and swollen eyes were evidence of the emotional turmoil she had been experiencing. As she lay on her bed, lost in her thoughts, the sound of F.R.I.D.A.Y's gentle voice broke the silence, announcing that Happy had brought up all her belongings and left them in the front room.

Feeling a mixture of exhaustion and curiosity, Ava pushed herself off the bed and made her way to the front room. The sight of her belongings neatly arranged in the new space brought a pang of homesickness. She saw her favourite books, her laptop, and other personal items that had made her dorm room feel like home. It was a bittersweet reminder of the life she had left behind.

Feeling a sudden thirst, Ava noticed a small kitchenette nearby. She walked over and found it already stocked with some essentials. She grabbed a bottle of water and took a long sip, the cool liquid soothing her dry throat. She leaned against the counter, staring out of the large windows that offered a view of the city below. Despite the turmoil inside her, she couldn't help but appreciate the breath-taking sight.

Ava made her way back to her suitcases, feeling a mix of exhaustion and curiosity. She unzipped one of the suitcases and pushed it open, revealing a jumble of clothes and personal belongings. Her fingers searched through the clothing, hoping to find a comfortable pair of pyjamas so she could finally get some rest in the new and unfamiliar place.

As she rummaged through the clothes, her heart sank when she saw something unexpected. A few small packets of cigarettes tumbled out from the pile of clothes, clattering onto the floor. Ava stared at them, her mind racing with a mix of emotions - surprise, guilt, and frustration.

She hadn't smoked since before the accident, but now, sitting there and staring at the packets that were part of her secret stash - one she thought she had left behind - she hadn't realized how much she craved them. The stress and turmoil of recent events had triggered an old habit she thought she had conquered.

Without thinking, she impulsively grabbed one of the packets, her eyes scanning the room for an escape. She spotted a balcony and slipped outside, seeking a moment of solace in the night air. 

Ava's hands trembled as she held the cigarette between her fingers. Part of her felt rebellious, breaking away from the rules and restrictions that had been imposed on her. But the other part felt a sense of guilt, knowing that smoking was not a healthy choice, especially after all she had been through with her health.

As she took the first drag, a rush of familiarity and comfort washed over her. The stress of the past few weeks seemed to momentarily fade away, replaced by the soothing sensation of nicotine.

As the cigarette burned down to its end, Ava stubbed it out and tossed the remains over the balcony. 

Ava's heart still burned with anger as she grappled with the emotions swirling within her. Her father's choices, the new family he embraced, they all stung deep. In an attempt to escape the turmoil, she turned to the AI, FRIDAY, seeking solace or distraction.

"FRIDAY, where's my dad?" Ava's voice echoed in the room, a mix of frustration and vulnerability.

"Mr. Stark is in his workshop, requesting not to be disturbed by anyone except yourself, Miss Stark. Would you like me to contact him?" FRIDAY responded dutifully.

Ava shook her head, realizing the AI couldn't see her expression. "The opposite. Show me where the nearest bar is," she smirked, brushing her fingers through her hair.

With FRIDAY's assistance, Ava located a lavish lounge and party hosting room complete with an extravagant bar. A wicked grin spread across her face as she approached the counter, yearning for the relief of being blissfully intoxicated.

Aurum ✧ Peter ParkerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz