✧ ˚ 18 · eighteen .

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Ava propped her phone on the coffee table, connected to a FaceTime call with her best friend, Sarah. On the screen, Sarah's face beamed with excitement, and Ava could hear the muffled sounds of her friend's laughter coming through the speakers.

With her wireless headphones in one ear, Ava was fully immersed in the conversation, feeling as though Sarah was right there with her in the living room. She balanced a takeout container filled with chicken chow-mein on her lap, occasionally taking bites as they chatted.

"I wish I could have seen it! Was it as good as it sounds? He never learns, does he?" Ava asked, recalling the story Sarah was sharing about their mischievous classmate, James.

Sarah's laughter rang through the call, making Ava smile. "Oh, it was amazing! Adam told me James got detention for a week, and he had to apologize in front of the whole class!" Sarah replied, her excitement evident.

Ava laughed too, enjoying the animated storytelling from her friend. "That serves him right. Maybe now he'll think twice before causing more trouble," she said, her voice light-hearted and playful.

As they continued chatting, Ava's mind drifted back to the hero suit she had been designing earlier. She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness about her newfound aspiration. Becoming a hero was a dream she had never planned on sharing with anyone, not even Sarah. But now, as she listened to her best friend's laughter and felt the warmth of their friendship through the screen, she found herself tempted to confide in Sarah.

"Sar, there's something I've been thinking about," Ava began, her voice taking on a more serious tone.

Sarah's smile softened, sensing the change in her friend's demeanour. "What's on your mind, Ava?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Ava took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before opening up to her best friend. "Well, you know I got in that accident..."

Sarah's eyes widened with concern. "Yeah, I remember. You're okay now though- right?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine worry.

Ava nodded, her fingers fidgeting slightly. "Physically, I'm fine now. But something strange happened after the accident. I burnt myself, and when I opened my eyes- my hands were glowing."

Sarah's eyes widened even further, a mix of surprise and curiosity crossing her face. "Wait, glowing? Like, with light?"

Ava nodded, feeling relieved to share this secret with her best friend. "Yes, exactly. It was this golden glow, and at first, I thought it was just some weird reflection or a trick of the light. But then, I realized it was coming from me."

Sarah leaned in closer to the screen, fully engrossed in Ava's story. "That's amazing, Ava! You have superpowers!"

Ava chuckled nervously. "It's crazy, right? I don't even know how it happened, but now I can control it. I can summon this golden energy and make it do things."

Sarah's face lit up with excitement. "Oh my gosh, this is so cool! What can you do with it?"

Ava hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain it all. "Well, I can generate energy blasts and electrical currents- that's all I know at the moment but in theory... I think I can fly."

Sarah's eyes widened even further, a mix of surprise and excitement crossing her face. "That's incredible, Ava! You're like a real superhero!"

Ava blushed, feeling a mix of pride and nervousness at her friend's reaction. "It's kind of crazy, right? I mean, I never thought something like this could happen to me."

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