after class ended me and my friend went to the cafeteria. we were eating lunch when suddenly a hot looking couple walked in the school through the front door. i then soon found out that the partners names were Bill Kaulitz and Crystal Alba, they looked normal as they walked in the school but as they sat down on one of the couches on the hallway they started going all over themselves. me and my friend who were eating lunch almost threw up in sight of them making out.

As me and Ria cleaned up our lunches we took our bags and headed towards the library. as we were chiling, reading and just enjoying our moment someone walked up to us from behind.

"excuse me?" i heard a soft voice. I turned around and saw Crystal Alba standing behind me. I looked at her up and down. she was really pretty at some point she looked like a god.

"can i help you?" i replied in a nervous tone.

"we were looking for Tom Kaulitz's classroom, could you maybe help us?" Crystal asked as i saw her man come up from behind her.

I looked at Ria who just looked confused to see Crystal talk to us, especially in the library.

"Sorry if that question bothers you but why do you need him exactly?" i asked Crystal with a curious look on my face.

she looked at Bill before responding. "well my partner, which happens to be his brother has to talk to him but we can't find his classroom." she said with a innocent look on her face.

i looked kinda shocked hearing that Bill is Tom's brother, i mean sure they have the same surnames but i still thought that there was probably a mix up.

"sure, i'll help" i said as i stood up and gestured Ria to wait for me.

me, Crystal and Bill started walking towards Tom's classroom. in the meantime we had a small talk but it wasn't an interresting one aswell.

when we finally arrived to his classroom i knocked on the door and got in first. i made eye contact with him before fully walking in.

"you changed your mind?" he asked me before Crystal and Bill came in. his face expression changed in an instant. just the other second he had a smug look on his face but now he was just.. angry?

"not fully." i added before walking out of the classroom towards the library.


as i saw Taylor walk in my classroom my face lit up but then my worst nightmare came along. fuck. She met the worst, the most horrible couple on the whole planet, and she probably didn't even know.

She walked out and suddenly Bill turned to me. my twin brother that i HATED.

"so, is she one of your chicks?" he asked with a smile on his face. he ment Taylor, he probably heard what i said before they walked in behind her.

"leave her out of this, what do you want?" i said with an angry expression. i was mad not only that they came here and that Taylor had to meet them, but because they came in my work place.

"Look brother.." Bill started. "we have to clear our path, i'm sorry about what happened but you seem to get over it." Bill said with a normal voice sounding as if nothing mattered to him.

"you killed her!" i said in a angry tone as i stood up from my chair.

"i didn't kill her, i never murdered a single soul. she died herself. she killed herself."

"i saw you holding that knife, don't act stupid!" i said as i started walking towards Bill and Crystal.

"i'm sorry, brother. you still can't accept that i had nothing to do with the murder of your girlfriend?" Bill said as he looked into my eyes.

"ex-girlfriend.." Crystal added.

"i didn't need to hear that, bitch." i spat in Crystal's face. god if that girl won't get beat up someday, then i'll do it instead.

"don't talk to my girlfriend like that." Bill said with an angry voice.

I kept quiet and just looked at Bill.

"i didn't kill her, she stabbed herself." Bill added.

"then why were you holding the fucking knife?! why did you bury her in the forest?!" i said in an angry tone. i was about to punch Bill.

"you're being delusional, Tom."

"i know what i saw, now get out!" i said with an angry expression as i pointed my finger towards the classroom door. "we're not discussing this in school."

Bill looked at me before him and Crystal went out of my classroom. as they left the classroom i felt mad, i was raging mad because of everything that's happening. Taylor left, Bill and Crystal came, i have to end things with Cindy, everything just went downhill...


Hello guys!! I'm sorry that i've been offline recently and that i didn't post a new part. I ran out of ideas and if you have any that'll make a good story ending please write in the comments, it'll really help me out with it since i've been struggling with ideas a lot! Thank you all for reading my story by the way, i really hope you like it!

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