Knock Knock Part 2

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Kenny's POV

I have been bothered by my last talk with Cassie. She was extremely disrespectful to me.


Cassie and Beth were in the kitchen, Kenny was coming in from work and overheard their conversation.

"Momma why did you tell Ally she could get out of timeout? I put her there for a reason" Cassie was irritated with her momma's interference.

"Cassie, she is 5 years old, she should only be in timeout the same amount of time as she is in years. 5 minutes should be the max. She had been there for 7 minutes. We never had you kids sit in timeout over your age" Beth defended.

"Okay, that was your parenting choice. Noah and I have our own so I would appreciate you backing off and let me parent my way"

"I'm sorry Cassie, I was just trying to help" Beth was hurt by Cassie's anger.

"When and if I need your help I will ask, until then let me fucking parent my way"

"Hey! You do NOT speak to your mother like that Cassandra May, apologize NOW!" I scolded her after hearing how rude she was to her momma.

"No! She was out of line! I am not a child, I am an adult and can parent the way I want without interference" Cassie yelled at me.

I stepped closer to her "She is your mother, she deserves your respect regardless of your age. She has many more years' experience in child rearing, she was only trying to help" I growled at her.

"Whatever, I'm going home. Allison has more time in timeout and obviously I can't do it here" Cassie rolls her eyes at me.

"Young lady you better watch it, I won't put up with this disrespect" I gave her my best warning look. To my surprise she didn't bat an eye at it.

"I'm not a fucking child" she spat as she walked out the door with my grandchildren.

A few minutes later Noah called me because Allison had told him her momma yelled and said bad words to Nana and Papa. I explained what happened and Noah assured me he would talk to Cassie. He did tell me she had very little sleep the last few nights so exhaustion might be playing a part in her behavior, however that doesn't excuse it and he will make sure she knows not to do it again. I told Noah I would let him take care of it but if it happened again I too would take action.

I hung up and went to comfort my crying wife. I know Cassie has a lot on her plate and is tired and stressed but she knows what is and is not acceptable and for her backside sake I hope she listens to her husband.

End Flashback

Cassie did apologize to her mother but not to me. I'm not sure why and that is what is really bothering me. I pull into our driveway and greet my beautiful wife. I go to our room to change and something is off, I can't put my finger on it but something feels off.

"Babe, did you change something in our room?" I ask Beth when I return to the kitchen in comfy clothes.

"No, Why?" she asks, confused.

'Hmm, well I don't know but something felt off," I told her.

Beth just laughed "Sweetie, you have been working too much. You need a vacation, or retirement"

I shook my head laughing. We had a great evening of dinner on the porch and relaxing with a glass of wine.

"I'm exhausted from babysitting today, I'm going to head off to bed" Beth kisses me goodnight.

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