Knock Knock

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Cassie's POV

"Cassie, I mean it, just because you're an adult doesn't mean you can be rude to your dad. I don't want you talking to him like that again" Noah is scolding me as he gets ready for work.

"All I was saying to my dad was that he didn't need to treat me like a kid. I have children of my own" I defended rolling my eyes since he was in another room and couldn't see me.

"Just because you have kids doesn't make him no longer your father, respect my love, show him respect" Noah leans in to kiss me followed by a smack to my night shorts. I would have protested but Krysta decided that was a good time to start squawking, waking her twin up.

Later on, that day Mandy and I were given the opportunity to go to lunch by ourselves and to do a little retail therapy that we both desperately needed.

"Mandy I swear my father is driving me nuts, he is always correcting me like I'm still a child"

"Oh, you don't have to tell me. The other day at Adam's my dad swatted my butt for rolling my eyes at him and then told me 'you are never too old'" Mandy agreed with me.

We stopped at Ulta on the way home. "Do you mind if we go to my dad's first before picking up the kids? I had told Daisy that I would pick her up this foundation here at Ulta"

"Awe thanks Mandy" Daisy smiled when she handed her the new foundation.

Uncle Paul comes in from doing yard work and sees Daisy "you are supposed to be in your room," he scolds her.

"Well, if I had my door, maybe I wouldn't mind being in there," Daisy sassed.

"You just lost it an extra 3 days," Uncle Paul says as he finished his water he was drinking and went back outside.

"What was that about?" Mandy asked.

"I slammed my door, so dad took it off and I can't have it back for a week, well now a week and 3 days," she rolled her eyes.

"Yup, dad is the same as he always has been. He took my door off so many times for slamming my door. It used to piss Abby off because we shared a room but dad would take our doors if we slammed them,"

"Same here," I commented. Dad hated door slamming.

A few minutes later Uncle Paul came in looking angry and he went into his room and slammed the door. He came out a few minutes later in his uniform.

"Go to your room Daisy NOW!" He growled as he left the house.

"Talk about being a hypocrite" Daisy mumbled just loud enough for Mandy and I to hear as she stomped to her room.

"Mandy, she has a point, not just with your dad but with my dad as well. They always make a big deal over what we kids have done, but if they do the same thing it's okay. Your dad literally slammed his door two minutes after yelling at Daisy for complaining about her door. I have an idea that might teach your dad and mine a lesson"

"Oh, boy, a Cassie famous idea, nothing can go wrong here" Mandy rolls her eyes at me and we burst out laughing. I tell Mandy to get Daisy and go to Paul's room. I was going to get something from the garage.

"Okay bestie, what is the great idea?" Mandy asks skeptically as she sees the screwdriver in my hand.

"We are going to remove your dad's bedroom door and then we are going to remove my dad's door as well" I smiled wickedly

Daisy started laughing hysterically until she saw me start to take the door off "Woah, wait! You can't do that, my dad will get so mad" Daisy argued

"He has to see that being a hypocrite is not okay, you will get your door back sooner plus he will probably never take it again" I was triumphed that my idea was fool proof.

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