Where Did You Hear That Word?

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Daisy's POV

I don't know why I'm left babysitting two 5 year-olds. I have a friend over and we are babysitting Brad and Ally and while they are mostly well behaved because they know that I have permission to spank them if they misbehave and that would mean being spanked again by their parents, they still can be annoying.

"Brad and Ally, I'm going to put on SpongeBob and Robin and I are going to go to my room and are going to hangout in there, if you need me, come get me, okay?" I tell them as I turn on the show and they sit down with their cups of juice and I made each of them a snack plate of apples, cheese, and grapes.

"Okay Aunt Daisy," Ally smiles and sits down.

Brad huffs, but sits down as well, with his juice and snack plate, and begins to watch the show.

I went into my room and halfway closed my door as I start talking to Robin about the latest gossip.

Robin and I are talking for a bit and she looks at the time

"Well, I got to go. I have to finish the history assignment. Have you finished the book report for English?"

"Shit, shit, shit! I totally forgot. I haven't even finished the book! Dad told me if I got another bad report, I'm in big trouble," I frantically open my laptop.

Robin leaves Ally comes in the living room

"Shit, shit, shit,"

Oh my gosh! She heard me swear! I get up and go out to see what she is doing.

"Ally that's a bad word," I hear Brad say. Even Brad knows he isn't supposed to use it and I'm screwed if I can't get Ally to never say it again.

"Allison, you can't repeat that word. Brad is right, that is a bad word so don't say it again, okay?"

"But you did," she sasses.

"Young lady, do you need a time out?"

"No Aunt Daisy, I'm sorry," she says and comes to give me a hug.

"Okay, so no more using bad words" I tell her and I go back to grab my book and laptop to bring it back to the living room to work on the book report.

I'm working on it when dad and momma walk in with Cassie and Mandy. Ally and Brad got up and they run to their momma's and hug them.

Dad looks at me doing homework and he looks at me warily, it's the weekend and I'm doing homework...

Four days later, Noah and Wyatt come over as I'm getting yelled at by dad for not having done well on my book report,

"YOU HAD ME BABYSIT THE KIDS OVER THE WEEKEND!" I yelled and dad bent me over giving me swats as I noticed Noah and Wyatt walking in.

Noah and Wyatt don't look happy so dad stops and asks them what was wrong, I can already taste the soap and there goes my ass...

Ally's POV

I have been in my room for a long time, daddy says I can't play until I clean up my room. It's so unfair Brad is watching T.V I want to watch a show rather than cleaning.

"Allison Summer Mendoza, why is this room still a mess?" Daddy crosses his arms at me standing in my doorway.

"Daddy, I'm too bored to clean, I want to watch T.V with Brad" I pouted.

Daddy squats down to look me in the eye "Allison, you made this mess with your toys it is your responsibility to clean them up. I can take your toys away if you don't want to clean them up?"

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