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5 years ago, Cassie and Mandy got pregnant almost at the same time. When they told their families they were pregnant they laughed and said they figured since Cassie and Mandy did everything together, they would have kids the same age.

Wyatt proposed to Mandy at the same time Noah proposed to Cassie, which was during their last semester of college. Cassie and Mandy got majors in fine arts and minors in business development and decided to join together to open a dance/art studio for kids of all ages. Wyatt had quit CSU 2 years into his criminal justice degree to go to the police academy to become a police officer and Noah went on to get his teaching license and master's degree in general education.

The music studio for kids was a big success and they had hoped to open a second location when the studio burned down during a wildfire and at the same time Wyatt and Mandy found out they were pregnant with twins. Noah got offered a teaching position in the school Adam is principal in and he and Cassie had talked to Mandy and Wyatt about moving back to Arizona. Cassie had also found out she was pregnant with twins as well. They all figured this was the perfect opportunity to move back home for support with their growing families and careers. Moving back to Arizona was always in the cards for them but now is definitely the best time for them to return to Arizona Skies.

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