Ready Or Not Here Comes The Twins

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Mandy's POV

"Brad, can you go to Papa Paul's so I can rest? Momma doesn't feel very well right now," I tell my 5 year old.

I haven't been feeling well since last night and I'm having stomach pains.

"Ally, please go with Brad to Papa Paul's. Momma is going to lay down with Aunt Mandy," My bestie tells her 5 year old.

"No, I don't want to go," Ally says in her sassy tone.

Cassie isn't up to dealing with her sassy, disobedient daughter and starts walking towards her.

"Okay, okay momma I'll go," Ally quickly changes her attitude but Cassie is already at her side and is laying down a dozen swats.

"Don't sass me, lose the sass. Go to Papa Paul's and be a good girl," Cassie hugs Ally as she leaves and watches Ally cross the street to my dad's. I had watched Brad cross the street so now it's just Cassie and me.

We go to lay down in my bedroom.

"How long have you been having stomach pains for?" She asks me with concern.

I look at her in amazement, "how do you know I'm having stomach pain?" I ask.

"Bestie, I can read you like a book. I can tell when you are in pain. I could tell last night you were in pain but I couldn't tell where, but the way you are holding your stomach, I'm now guessing you have had it since last night, am I right?" She asks, raising her eyebrow at me.

"You're not wrong," I say, smirking. I hate saying you're right to anybody.

"You know, you could just say, I'm right," Cassie smirks back.

We climb into my bed and we cuddle up to each other. I don't know how long we were in bed for but we ended up falling asleep.

I wake up in complete panic when my water breaks and I know for a fact I'm in labor. I'm a week early. Does this put the baby at risk, in danger?

Cassie gets out of bed and she helps me get into a clean nightgown and she gets into clean clothes and we decide to drive to the hospital.

Cassie is speeding to get to the hospital while also coaching me to do the breathing we were taught in our baby and me classes. I don't know how fast she is going but I hear and see blue lights behind us.

"Cassie," I start to say but I get a huge contraction and I scream in pain.

"We are almost to the hospital, bestie. Keep breathing," she tells me as she puts on her hazard lights but doesn't slow down until we pull into the hospital parking lot.

By the time we pull into the parking lot, there are two police cars that have joined the chase and I'm relieved when I see two of them are Wyatt and Uncle James.

"Cassandra May..." Wyatt begins to scold as Cassie gets out of the car and puts her hand up to stop him and rushes over to the other side of the car to help me get out.

By this time, I have had 2 more very intense contractions and I can barely get out of the car.

The other officers are approaching as Uncle James tells them to stand down and Wyatt runs to help me out of the car and James runs in to get a wheelchair and tell them to call up to labor and delivery, that I'm in labor.

I look at my bestie and I can see she isn't looking too well. I make Wyatt stop

"Wyatt stop! What's wrong Cassie?" I ask as I try to stand up but another contraction makes me scream out.

Right as Wyatt starts pushing me again, Cassie also screams in pain and her water breaks. Uncle James rushes to her with a wheelchair. She is a month early. Before I can reassure she will be okay, I'm brought into the delivery room and it's not too long before I'm getting prepared in a gown and in bed to push these twins out....

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