Mandy helped me with the door while Daisy told us we were both nuts and left the room. Mandy and I looked at each other and muttered "teenager" then rolled our eyes and laughed. We carried the door to our garage and placed it in the utility closet. Then Mandy was helpful with distracting momma and Aunt Stephanie who happened to be watching all the kids for Mandy and I as I took off dad's door and placed it next to Paul's.

Mandy and I started dinner because our boys would be home soon from work.

Paul's POV

It's been a pretty quiet day off so far, I actually was able to get the yard work completed. I go in the house to get some water and hear Daisy talking with Mandy and Cassie. I storm into the living room.

"You are supposed to be in your room," I scolded her.

"Well, if I had my door, maybe I wouldn't mind being in there," Daisy sassed me. I swear that girl gives Mandy a run for her money in sassiness

"You just lost it an extra 3 days," I tell her, finishing my water I head back outside to put the garden tools away. Just as I finished up my phone rang.

"Talk to me Sgt."

"Hey Captain, we have an issue with a female prisoner, she is claiming misconduct"

"On whom?" I growl. This is the third misconduct complaint from a prisoner in a month

"Me, sir"

"Wyatt Anderson" I broke rank to call out my son in law.

"I swear Captain I didn't do what she has accused, my body cam will back me up. Plus Lt. Blake was with me and witnessed everything. The Chief is hopping mad and says he wants a full investigation because this is the third accusation like this in a month" Wyatt tells me.

I growl at my brother Brian ordering an investigation. Yes this is the third complaint but both the other complaints were squashed with evidence so will this one. Now I have to go in on my day off and look at body cam tapes. Fuck my life. I stomp into the house and change into my uniform. As I go to leave the house I see Daisy has yet to do as she was told.

"Go to your room Daisy NOW!" I snap at her and head to the station.

As expected the body cam shows Sgt. Wyatt did not do what he was accused of. I looked over at him and Lt. Blakes reports for any errors or contradictions, thankfully they matched perfectly and I was able to go home.


"Hi babe" I kiss my wife who is waiting for me on the couch

"How did it go?" she asked. I love how much interest she shows in my work. I tell her what happened.

"Are you ready to go to bed now?" she asks, snuggling into my arm. I start to get up off the couch.

"Oh, by the way, what reason did you take our bedroom door off?" Stephanie asks

"What? I didn't" I asked confused, I headed to our room and sure enough the door was missing.

" Daisy...." I start to yell but Stephanie shushes me

"Shh she's asleep and has school tomorrow. Deal with it in the morning" she advises as she pulls me into the room to get ready for bed. I sigh and climb into bed with my beautiful wife.

Wyatt's POV

Work today was hell, I had an arrest and the woman resisted arrest and then at the station she tried making a complaint against me. I wasn't really worried because I knew I didn't do anything wrong. The Chief, who also happens to be my father in law's brother, makes me call Paul because he is the Captain and tells me to have him come in on his day off.

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