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"No, ma'am," he answers with his head down.

"Come on, we are going home and you're getting a spanking," I tell him and go to grab him off, Uncle Kenny.

"But Papa already spanked me really really hard and my bottom is really hot," he says seriously and I have to hide my chuckle.

"Yeah, well you're getting another one from me, let's go," I say.

I give Uncle Kenny a hug and then I walk my sulking son back home.

I bring Brad immediately into my and Wyatt's room since it is soundproof and I don't want his crying to wake up the babies that are actually both sleeping at the moment.

"Alright, what are you in trouble for, young man?" I ask him.

"I went to Papa's without telling you and without permission," my son says quietly.

"I told you I would call him after I was done with the twins to see if he was able to see you, didn't I?" I ask him firmly.

"Yes ma'am," he answers me.

I take his shorts and boxers down and place him over my lap, "Wyatt Bradley, you don't leave this house without permission, do you understand me?" I ask as I bring my hand down sharply on his already pink bottom.

"Yes ma'am, momma, please Owwiee!" he cries as I continue my smacks on his bottom.

Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

I pick up the brush I had laying on the bed and "I'm giving you 10 smacks with the hairbrush," I tell him and begin to finish his punishment.

Whack whack whack

"Owwieee momma, NO MORE!" he cries.

Whack Whack Whack Whack

"I'm Soorrryyy, Momma, NO MOOORRREE!" by this time he is crying hysterically and I do two more quickly and scoop him up off my lap. I hear one of the twins crying, I sigh, knowing I have to take care of the baby, but also do aftercare with Brad.

"Can you lay down on momma and daddy's bed and I will be back right after I check on the babies?" I ask as I pull up his pants.

I left the room as he climbed onto Wyatt and my bed was still crying.

I checked on who was crying and it was Jayson, I fed him, changed him, and put him back in his bassinet.

Cassie came in frantically holding Jessica, crying. " I can't get her to stop crying!"

"Well, don't bring her in here to get mine upset," I say as I slightly push her out of the nursery and take Jem from her.

"What's the matter, baby girl?" I asked as I held her, swaying her back and forth. She stopped almost immediately.

"I'm making dinner, you can take care of my kids for me," Cassie says with a tease.

"Yeah, right! Jacob will be waking up any minute now!" I say back to her as she goes into the kitchen.

I follow her and she starts making dinner as I continue to hold Jem.

A few minutes later, Wyatt gets home and kisses me, and goes into the bedroom, he comes out with an upset Brad. I forgot to go back in and do after, spanking comfort!

"Brad tells me you spanked him and he thinks you don't love him because you didn't come back to check on him," Wyatt tells me.

Cassie comes over, obviously sensing the tension from the situation, and takes Jem from me as I go to Brad and pick him up.

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