Ready Or Not Here Comes The Twins

Start from the beginning

Cassie's Pov

I noticed my bestie in pain since yesterday "Mandy lets send the kids over to your dads, I already called him and he said no problem" Mandy calls Brad over as I call Ally. ""No, I don't want to go," Ally says in her sassy tone. I am in no mood for her sass, I start walking towards her and she backs up.

"Okay, okay momma I'll go," Ally quickly changes her attitude but it is too late. I reach her and pull her into my side giving her bottom a dozen smacks

Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack smack

"Owie owie momma I'm sorry" Ally cries as I finish the short spanking. I hug her and give her time to calm down. Brad has just crossed over to Paul's when I am able to send a calmer Ally over. Thankfully, Paul is standing out there waiting for the children.

I go get in bed with my bestie and rub her belly "How long have you been having stomach pains for?" I ask her with concern.

She looks at me in amazement, "how do you know I'm having stomach pain?" she asks.

"Bestie, I can read you like a book. I can tell when you are in pain. I could tell last night you were in pain but I couldn't tell where, but the way you are holding your stomach, I'm now guessing you have had it since last night, am I right?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at her.

"You're not wrong," She says, smirking.

"You know, you could just say, I'm right," Mandy rolls her eyes and we both giggle and fall asleep.

I'm jerked awake with Mandy crying out. I jump up as I realize her water just broke. I grab a clean nightgown and help her change, then I get dressed as fast as I can. I'm pretty sure my shirt is on backwards and inside out but I don't care as I speed my way towards the hospital.

"Cassie," Mandy starts to say but she is interrupted by a huge contraction and she screams out in pain.

I see blue lights behind me but can barely hear the siren over my best friend's cries out in pain. I ignore the officers and keep speeding towards the hospital.

"We are almost to the hospital, bestie. Keep breathing," I encourage her as I put on my hazard lights but don't slow down until we pull into the hospital parking lot. By the time we pull into the parking lot, there are two police cars that have joined the chase, I get out with my hands up when I hear my brothers voice,

"Cassandra May..." I then put my hand out to stop him and rush to the passenger side to help Mandy. Wyatt is by our side in a second as he realizes Mandy is in labor. I step away and Uncle James comes over to scold me when he sees my face and stops. I cry out as a large contraction hits me and my water breaks right there in the emergency parking lot.

Another nurse comes out with a second wheelchair and puts me in it as Uncle James wheels me inside, Mandy and Wyatt are nowhere in sight so I am guessing they are heading to a room already. The nurse passes the desk saying "We have a second one in labor, water broke in the parking lot, let them know at L&D I'm bringing her up" we rush into the elevators.

"Uncle James, please call Noah for me?"

"I'm already on it" he smiles as his phone starts calling someone. I hear Noah's voice but can only cry out in pain again as another contraction hits me. I start sobbing as I realize I'm a month early. What is going to happen to the twins? Will they be sick, will they be alright? Panic starts to set in as I am being helped into a hospital bed. By the time Noah got to the hospital the doctor came to talk to us.

"I know there is concern for the babies being born a month early but many twins don't make it past 36 weeks of pregnancy and most are born without any complications so let's not worry until we have something to worry about"

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