Now he got a new quest to kill a c rank monster. How can he find it? Today is the final day. He just hoped to find that level monster.

Maybe he would be failed. But he doesn't have to fear anything because even if he failed he won't get any punishment.

So he looks at his normal phone and signed in a raid.

"Isn't that bag heavy? Will you be fine?"

"Yes, I can carry it."

He ended up being a porter as his rank is still officially an E. He met a party without a healer and an overly rich guy named Yoo JinHo.

It was strange. Why did the team have no healer? Even in high-ranked parties, there will always be one healer. Despite that, there are more tanks than they can wonder.

But soon he realized, they were a Lizard. The term for hunters who abuse their powers to commit crimes inside dungeons.

As the things that happen inside dungeons never go public and there are no security cameras around to record crimes if they happen, it's very easy to commit murder or robbery and get away with it, as there's no feasible way to obtain the evidence to prove that they happened.

For him to be dragged into this unsatisfactory situation, who exactly is to blame?

But it's nothing exactly he can't handle. After being trapped in the boss's room by those lizards, he can't help but defeated the boss.

A giant spider boss is c rank and if he killed it then his quest will be completed. How can he miss this chance?

"JinHo, stay there... That's mine."

"H-hyung!? What are you trying to do!?"

"Kill it."

And the solo hunter kills it with actual ease. With these new Uru metal daggers, anything is easy.

And so, this much was nothing to him.

[Host received a reward, Do you want to open it]


[Host received A Ancient Dragon Egg]


As well, as killing a few lizards.

"Oh? Did they survive? I suppose that equipment was enough to kill the boss" A guy from the lizard party thinks Yoo JinHoo was the one responsible for the huge spider carcass in the middle of the boss room.

Of course, things escalated quickly. They were wrong, in a world where dungeons exist and everything turned up a bit like a game, ranks are the only thing humans would ever think about.

But they've forgotten even in video games, competitive ranks were never accurate in the first place.

And it leads to their demise.

[Emergency quest: Kill the enemies!]

"If you guys are hunters, I'm saying you should be ready to become hunted"

Thus, by the command of the system, Jin Woo prepares for the haunt.

Something later

*Jin-woo house.

Now he checked the Rewards

He was surprised that in front of him is a Black egg which is Ancient Dragon Egg.

He never thought he will see a dragon egg.

[ The Ancient Dragon egg
- Which is close to the hatch. If User pours his mana into the egg, it creates a powerful Dragon.]

Jin-woo then started to give his mana to the egg without hesitation because who doesn't want a dragon?

The egg sucked all his mana. And the egg started to glow.

'I felt a connection to this egg'



Then he heard a cute sound.

Then he saw a cute Back dragon.

[Ancient Dragon
Gender: Female
Current Rank:  B
Latent Rank : L-rank: Red
SKILL: Spirit Magic (Fire, Wind, Water, Lightning, Light, Dark), can gain skills by performing.
-Spirit magic is a magic power attained by communicating with the spirit in the air and offering magic energy to it.
Blessings: Blessing of the Ancient Dragon; Jin-woo's Split Soul; Language Understanding;
Evolution: Limitless Evolution]

This cute little dragon is more powerful than me.

The Cute dragon then jumped into my lap.

'What name should I give to you' I thought. 

[A/N: No stop him right now]

He thought to give elder dragon or void dragon but after seeing the Innocent smile of the dragon. He remembered his mother's smile.

Then he named 'Sung-Kyung' the dragon.

Short kyu.

Kyu also liked it.

Mc pov.

Right now I am searching for Sanctum Sanctorum.

Regis checked my memory and told me the address. And now I am searching for it.

'177A Bleecker Street, Greenwich Village, New York City, New York, '

And then I found the mansion.

[Quest: Make Ancient One ally to you.]

What! Well, then I should do this now. I can't go back.

'Buddy, I hope your plot armor is strong enough to stop the time stone on us so she can't see our future,' Regis said to me.

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