Chapter 14: The Wise Teachings of The Great Delina

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Julian grins "Is that so?" He hums "Very well then Aria, and Magicant..." He holds his hand out, Dark Purple Magic surrounding it "Do your worst!" He sent his magic towards them

Aria and 3 jump out of the way and start floating, 3 yelped, struggling to get control.

Aria grabbed his wrist to steady him "It's okay, think of it like Smg4 Levitating you with his magic" She tells him

3 nods slowly as she let go, gaining his balance "We need to get Your Fathers, 4, and Alistair Up! We need that opening to take Julian down!"

Aria nods "Right...Right now, We have a combination of Deliana's and Julian's Powers, so we have to work together and need to be practically in sync"

"Of course" 3 says "Balance..."

Aria nods and they both got upright "Now! Follow my lead!" She uses her Magic to bring Delina's Spell book to her and she flipped through it before finding a counter spell

"Ready when you are Ari!"

Aria started waving her free hand and 3's followed right away, their hands started glowing gold and they sent a beam of gold towards Cullen and Dante, when it hit them they were able to move again and stood up

Dante smiles, looking at Cullen "See? What did I tell you?"

Cullen chuckles "They're both determined...And that's what we need right now" He recalls his husband saying "And they might actually do it..."

Aria and 3 did the same to Alastair and 4, now they were all up and Moving again

"Ala and 4!" Dante says quickly "They've only got one shot to seal him away, Once they use that spell, they can't use it again for some time, so we can't let them miss! We have to give them an opening!"

4 and Alastair nod, Alastair looks over to 4 "Let's see how good of a teacher Aria really is and how well she taught you!"

4 nods and they both go on either side of Julian

"We're going to do a little something I taught Aria, You know a Multiplication Spell?"

"No but it can't be much harder than a Transformation Spell" 4 shrugs

Alastair sighs, mumbling something under his breath "Alright, Let's get this over with then" He holds his hand out and a Teal Smoke escapes it, obstructing Julians Vision

Julian just laughs "You really think this will work? Aria and Smg3 already tried this on me! I know this trick all too well!"

"Then..." Smg4 walked out of the smoke, his hand glowing Blue "How about a New Trick?" He grins 

Alastair, Dante, and Cullen all come out from the Smoke, hands glowing their respective colors

"Th-That can't be!" Julian shouts "The Blue one is Magicant! He can't use Magic from his Hands!"

"Well then" Alastair hums "Maybe you'll have to catch him first?"

The four went back into the smoke and when it was cleared, there was multiple of each of them except for Aria and 3 who both seemed to have disappeared.

Julian was so caught up looking for the two he barely dodged an attack of Silver Magic from Dante

"It's not only them you have to worry about" Dante says "It's all of us"

Julian hums "Not to worry, I'd never forget about you Dante..." He crosses his arms in front of him and his hands glow dark Purple "And neither have my little friends" He threw his arms out to the side and Creatures made of Dark Purple Magic appeared behind him, lots of them "You may not recognize them, but that's because they don't have a physical form in this world"

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