Chapter 9: Magicans vs Magicant's Part 1

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3 let go of Aria and moved back "Ari...Thanks..." He says quietly

"Wh-What do we do about them?" Mario questions "MARIO DOESN'T WANT TO DIE!"

"IDIOT! WE CAN'T LET YOU DIE!" 3 shouts back at him

"And the GW knows that..." Aria adds "If he was going to kill you and all your friends off, He would've done so with Smg4 and your other friends, he would've done it by now instead of brainwashing them!"

"That's where you're correct, Miss Aria" Millisa giggles "Mr. GW's plan wasn't to harm them at all...Yet anyways"

Keith nods "Only the Magicant's of your group though"

"WE'RE ALL MAGICANT'S!" 3 tells them 


Keith shakes his head with a grin "But Miss Grace already told Belle, Don't you recall?"

Belle nods "It was extremely weird! She mentioned subtlety probably 1, 2, 3, 4, Mario, Saiko and Melony...But mentioned only five of their Powers are on the same Level as Magic, and I think I could guess who those five are..."

Belle looks to Smg1, 2, 3, 4, and Mario and everyone else did too

"Why us?" Smg4 questions

"The sixth and seventh people can only be Melony and Saiko, And their abilities are more Power than Magic" Meggy puts simply "Yours 1, 2, and 3's powers are more...Unnatural...and Otherworldly, and Mario? Well, we haven't come to understand any Avatar Abilities of his if he has any at all, So for all we know, his powers could be equal to yours"

"Mario would think he'd know if he had Avatar Powers" Mario chimes in "Aside from Meme absorption, but even then that's Glitchy and 3's doing"

"Us, 4, Saiko, and Melony....Surely Kaizo too..." Smg3 realized "He'd keep us around because our Powers and abilities are closely related to Magic..."

"Very good, Smg3, I see he must want you around for your wits as well" Keith's grin faded and he shrugged "You all make likely candidates to be apprentices..." He held his hand out again, Millisa does the same and both their hands glow gold "For now, we just need Aria out of the way..."

"Me...?" Aria questions, she gasps when the two magic hits that hit her shield, starting to crack it "No no no..." She mutters 

"Mario!" 3 looks at Mario quickly "We need to do something! Now!"

"What can we do?" Mario questions "We don't have any Memes!"

"We didn't need Memes back at the Castle! We just need a plan!"

"P-Please hurry and make one..." Aria winces as more Magic hit the shield "Th-This won't hold forever!"

"Do you know a smoke screen type spell? You taught us That one spell the other day...I wanna test something that might just work!"

It took Aria a Moment but she gasped "I think I know what you're going for, so I'll help out!"

3 nods and when there was an opening, Aria put down her shield and purple smoke escaped her hands "Mario! Let's go!" Her voice called out, through the smoke Millisa could see two figures leaving the room

"They're getting away, Keith!" Millisa whines

"After them! Now!" Keith tells her and they both rush out after them

As the smoke cleared, Smg3 could be seen closing the door behind them and going back to the desk, pulling the silver book out of his bag and placing it on the desk, He looked at Coda who climbed out of the bag and onto the desk "Alright Coda! Let's make this quick!" He also pulls out a piece of paper and a Pencil


"Hey!" Mario looks at Aria as they ran out of the castle, Aria was holding onto his wrist "Where are we going!?"

No response from Aria, they just kept running, when they reached a certain point, they stopped. Aria let go of his wrist and turned around to face the siblings. The siblings stopped running as well

Keith grins "Thought your little smokescreen would help you escape Aria?" He held out his had

Millisa held her arm out too "Unfortunately for you, Mr. GW is not that dumb...Although, you knew that didn't you?"

Their hands glow gold and they sent beams of Magic towards Aria and Mario.

Aria got in front of Mario and pulled out her wand, it glows with Dark Purple Magic and a beam of that went for the Twin's beams causing both sets of Magic to collide with each other, causing Aria to flinch

"Dark Purple? And a Wand...?" Millisa questions "This isn't Aria..."

Keith lets out a hum, his grin fading "Well, let's reveal this imposter for who they are..."

They both turn up the power of their magic and it forces through 'Aria's' Magic, hitting her and knocking her back

"SMG THREE!" Mario cries out

'Aria' fell to the ground and winced, curling up a bit, she turned back into Smg3. Mario ran over to him, kneeling down and sitting 3 up who was holding his side 

"That didn't last as long as you expected it, did it?" Millisa hums "It'd be a waste to head back to the castle...Seeing as you sent us on a wild Pixie chase, I doubt Aria is even there anymore...Is she?"

"Sh-She's probably Long gone by now!" 3 managed to grin despite his pain "Heh.. S-She's probably went and got help by now!"

"From who?" Millisa giggles "Everyone on this island has been controlled since you've gotten here!"

3's grin faded as Mario spoke up "Wh-What...?"

Keith sighs "Yes, unfortunately, GW's power never worked on Aria...and we're unsure why...But! It's no matter, Not like anyone else can help anyways, You're both alone"

Mario looked down, catching a glance of 3's wand on the ground and reached for it, but gold Magic knocked it away causing him to gasp and look back up

"Silly Silly Magicant's!" Millisa hums "Magic's not for you..." She and Keith hold their hands out as she grins, Gold magic surrounding their hands "Leave that for the Magicans..."

Teal Magic appeared and hit them both in their hands causing the two to flinch back, their Magic

"Ow!" Millisa whines, using her other hand to hold the one that was hit

Keith did the same before glaring in the direction the Magic came from

"Sorry your Highnesses, but I can't have you hurting Aria's friends..." Mario and 3 look up to see Alastair standing a bit further away from them, He shrugs "You guys should know the poor girl grows attached"

"Seems GW miscalculated...One other was unaffected..."

"Not to worry!" Millisa grins again, holding her hand out "I'll take him out!"


'Smg3' was now sitting at the desk, tapping his foot anxiously "Oooh...Where is he..."

In a flash of grey light, a Man appeared in the middle of the room, looking around "Ari...?"

'Smg3' gasped, tearing up "PAPA!" He turned back into Aria, she ran over to him and pulled him into a hug "YOU GOT MY LETTER AND YOU CAME!" She manages to laugh through her tears "I've missed you so much..." She spoke quietly 

The man, her dad, smiled as he hugged her back "Oh, Ari...I've missed you to..." After a bit he pulled away from her and held her by the shoulders "You said it was urgent, dear? What's happened?"

Aria uses her sleeves to wipe her tears "It's the Grand Wizard..." She starts "He's been brainwashing my friends! I believe this is something out of Julian's Spellbook! The Purple one Smg3 and I came across at the GW's Tower was the only one that stood out to us!"

"'Friends...'" Her dad repeated with a small smile before but it quickly faded "And you are correct...That was infact Julian's Spellbook..." He sighs "It used to be in my care, I suppose your father might've gave it to GW after I left..."

"It was in your possession?" Aria asks, confused "How? How did you get His Spellbook in your possession?"

Her dad chuckled as he moved his hands from her and walked to the desk "Same way I got Delina's"

"You...What!?" Aria gasped, her eyes sparkling "You really have her spellbook!?"

"Yes and It seems you and your friend, Smg3, have found that one too...That was meant to be your surprise" He smiles sheepishly

"B-But" Aria walks up next to him "I-I thought that was yours?"

"Kinda? Delina was my some Great Grandmother...So it's been passed down in our family"

"YOU'RE TELLING ME I'M RELATED, TO MY IDOL!?" Aria took a deep breath, calming down "Why didn't you or Father tell me?"

"Your father always told me how upset you were with your powers completely developing late, If I told you before I left, you'd be too hard on yourself and overwork yourself to be just like her and live up to her...If I just kept Delina as your Idol as oppose to telling you you're related, That'd be the healthiest way for you to grow stronger while I wasn't here..."

"So...Delina's Spellbook...Will anything in it stop GW?" 

Her Dad began to flip through the silver book "Unfortunately no...Not alone...You'll also need spells from Julian's Book as well"

"B-But Their Teachings combined could bring catastrophic end if used by only one Wizard..." Aria nods determinedly "I'm going to help you! I won't let you do it alone"

Her dad's smile faded "I'm sorry Ari, but since I left here, My Magic isn't as strong as it used to be so I won't be able to handle either of their Magic..." He looks at Aria "You've got to be the one to do it..."

"Wh-What!?" Aria's determined expression turned afraid "N-No! I learned about this in school! I don't want to bring an end to anything! I'm still not good enough with my Magic to even handle both of their spells!"

"No not alone" He assures her "It's gotta be someone you truly trust and who truly trusts you to help you, only then can you both end this"

"Someone who truly trusts me..." Aria thought to herself before gasping "I let him leave!" She realized. She quickly takes the Silver book from her dad and puts it in her bag and puts it on. She holds her hand out to Coda and when she climbs on, she puts him in her bag and heads for the door

"Hey, Aria" Her Dad stops her and she turns to him "Be careful, alright dear? I'll be out there in a bit, but I must handle something for now!"

Aria nods at him with a small smile "You stay safe too Papa!" She left the room and left the Castle quickly, she looks down at Coda who was peaking out of her bag "Hopefully we aren't too late yet..."

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