Chapter 8: The Wise Ways of The Kingdom

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When they got back to Aria's house, the Trio were sitting at the table in the dining room. The two books sat in front of them, Aria ran her hands through her hair angrily 

"UGH!" She growls "I don't understand! Why did we find these books!? What do they mean!? Why is one Silver instead of Gold!? Why-

"Aria" 3 put a hand on her shoulder "Relax okay...Let's break down what we know first and work our way up to put everything together, this will also help Mario catch up...Just breath..."

Aria nodded, taking a breath "O-Okay...Let's see..."

"I'll start" 3 looked at Mario "Grand Wizard is a Bad Guy and has corrupted some of our friends already..."

"Wh-What?" Mario questions, a worried expression on his face "I don't think I want to ask who they are"

"Whimpu, Melony, Tari..." 3 sighed, Hesitant to say the next name "A-And Smg4"

"GLITCHY!?" Mario's eyes looked to Aria "Y-You!" He stood up, an angry expression on his face "Y-You lead Glitchy to that guy! Y-You did this!"

3 stood up, now placing a hand on Mario's shoulder "Mario! Chill!" He tells him quickly "She genuinely didn't know what she was doing! She never even went into that room before tonight, For all she knew, Smg4 and the GW were just talking!"

Mario looked over at Aria and his expression softened. She was also standing up, a sad and afraid expression on her face "I-I'm sorry, But 3's right....I'm so so so so sorry Mario...If I had known I never would've sent him there...I promise you that...I just wanted you all to be happy here..."

Mario sat back down and sighed "I'm sorry...You're helping us so I should've known you meant well..."

Aria and 3 sigh in relief and sat back down

"P-Please continue"

"Well..." 3 continues "We think the Grand Wizard is linked to An Old Wizard from MedowBreak's History" 

Aria points at the Purple Book "His Magic was Purple, so given what I learned in history class, I'm pretty sure this is the book that is chock full of all the teachings Julian wanted to push..."

Mario reached for the book and tried to open it but Aria gently pushed his hand away

"D-Don't open it!" She warns "The teachings he wanted to push involved the harm and possibly even termination of Non-Magic Users, I don't even want to begin to see the kind of spells he had planned to harm those people..."

"The other thing I learned from Aria and I suppose the GW as well...His Magic as well as Julian's Sister's were gold" 3 points to the book "This book is Silver, so we might be missing a bigger part of the History here" He looks at Aria "Ari, Please, do you know anything else?"

"No...I've told you all I know" Aria shook her head before raising an eyebrow at 3 "Ari?"

"SH-SHUT UP!" He tells her, speaking quickly in embarrassment, Aria was giggling "THAT WASN'T INTENTIONAL! STOP LAUGING!"

Aria's giggling faded when there was a knock on the front door, the Trio looked at each other

"Was that your father?" 3 questions

Aria shook her head "N-No...He'd just walk in..." She stood up "Put the Books in the Bag, We can't let anyone see them!"

3 nods, putting the two books back into Aria's bag as she approached the door and opened it. It was Grace, and She had Smg1 and 2 behind her "Aria, hello dear!"

"M-Miss Grace, H-Hello!" Aria smiles sheepishly, that smiles fades as she looks behind Grace  to see 1 and 2 waving at her, she looks back up at Grace "Wh-Why are you here, and Why are Smg1 and Smg2 here?"

"Grand Wizard would like the remaining three Smgs and Mario" Grace explains "You...Haven't seen Smg3 or Mario have you?"

"O-Oh? N-No..." Aria smiles at her, 3 and Mario were behind her, but the dining room was around the corner from the front door so Grace wouldn't be able to see them "I...Haven't seen Mario all day as for Smg3...." She shrugs, closing her eyes, smile still on her face "We went separate ways after Training them" She opens her eyes, smile fading as she points her finger to the side "I thought they'd be back at the house..."

2 shook their head "3 never showed back up to the Villa"

"Mario also left not to long ago and never came back" 1 adds

"I-I see..." Aria looks back at Grace, bringing her hand down "I-I'm sorry, I wish I could be of more help..."

Grace whispers in her ear "You have a Tell when you're lying, Little Apprentice, and I know you're lying to me right now...I've known you for years" She giggles "But don't worry, I'll let you slide for now" She moves away from Aria and turns to face outside "You'll tell me where Mario and Smg3 are sooner or later and I'll make sure of that..." She starts walking "Come now, Smg1 and Smg2, The Grand Wizard does not like to be kept waiting..."

1 and 2 start following her

Aria shuts the door and a shaky sigh

"W-We're screwed!" Mario says, he and 3 came from the corner "She knew you were lying, so it's only a matter of time before she finds us!"

"Belle was saying about how Us, 1, 2, and 4 all have a Power related to Magic, We can't let her find us, Who knows what the GW will do with us once we're under his control like 4, Tari, Melony and Whimpu!" 3 gripped onto his hat tightly "I knew we should've stayed home!"

Aria watched the worried expressions grow worse and worse as the two kept talking...She couldn't say she wasn't worried either. She caused this, 4 becoming corrupt was the only reason this was happening... She gasped, Her eyes widening as she realized something "Dad's Spell book!" 

Mario and 3 stop talking, looking at her confused

"Before my Dad left, he gave my Father a Spell Book for him to give me when I became of age to become a Royal Apprentice! I'm sure Dad made or had some sort of spell that will stop everything and revert your friends back to normal!"

"W-Well where is it?" 3 questions 

Aria sighs "That's the thing, because it was meant to be a Gift, My Father has it...A-And I don't know where he's put it and if he even remembers..."

"Well Mario, Prepare yourself to be a Mind Slaved" 3 laughs walking away "Because we're SCREWED and we have NO WAY TO STOP THIS STUPID WIZARD!" He looks at Aria "No offence of course" He goes to the couch and layed down on it "I don't see any possible way of avoiding th-Oh yeah, I see one way NEVER COMING TO THIS BACKWATER KINGDOM IN THE FIRST PLACE!" He covered his face, he felt air on his hands and he moved his hands, only to let out a small yelp "Ah!" Coda was on his chest sniffing at him

"Ah! Coda!" Aria rushed over and picked up Coda "Coda...3 isn't very comfortable with you yet, you can't just climb on him, Even if he's big now, he's still afraid of you"

3 shot up to a sitting position "I AM NOT!" He whines 

Coda squeaks, looking up at her

"Huh? What is it Co?" She asked 

Coda started squeaking again

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