Chapter 2: Charms of the Kingdom

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The boat ride felt like Ages, and it really was, the island must've been really far out...

Some were around the boat doing their own things, while others were sleeping in their designated rooms. Smg3, Mario, and Smg4 were in their shared room, Smg3 and Mario were asleep on their beds and Smg4 was typing on his computer, that's when a knock came on their door

"Master Smg4, It's Aria" Aria's voice came through the other side of their door

Smg4 set his laptop aside and stood up, walking to the door and opening it "Hello Aria, and please, Just Smg4 is alright" He smiles 

Aria nods "Right, Smg4!" She smiles in return "I would just like to let you and Master Smg3 know that we're reaching an Internet Drop point, meaning any internet functions on any piece of technology you might've brought with you will not be accessible until we cross this point again to return you home" She frowns shaking her head "I've already given this information to Master Bob and Miss Tari and they didn't seem to take it too well"

Smg4 chuckles "Aria, you're being waaay to formal to us, Please just call us by our names"

"O-Oh! Yes, of course!" She agrees 

"And what do you mean 'Internet Drop Point'? Why is there one of those?" 

"We don't exactly have Technology on the island..." Aria rubs the back of her head "With our Magic, we find no use for it..."

"Ah...I see..." Smg4 glanced off to the side "I suppose I can save my Videos for when I get home..."

"Ah? Did they not explain that in the letter?"

Smg4 looked back at her "No, come to think of it, Not much was explained in it aside from the meeting at the dock and how 'Magical' this place was"

"Oh dear...That isn't like Miss Grace at all..." Aria looked down

"Miss Grace?"

"She's Great Grand Daughter to the Current Elder and Grand Wizard of the island! She's in charge of all Guest slash Tourist Related Communications and events...She's never been this sloppy before..."

Smg4 waves his hand in front of him "N-No, That's fine, Thank you for letting all of us know, I'll let Smg3 and Mario know when they wake up"

"Of course!" Aria smiles "We will be arriving soon, Please take the remainder of this time to relax, it is quite a walk to where you all shall be staying after we dock" She nods as she walks off

Smg4 closes the door and hears a yawn from behind him and turned around

"Once again, suspicious" 3 puts simply, he was sitting up on his bed, so was Mario

"Don't be a buzzkill alright? It's just a minor slip up, I'm sure it's fine" Mario tells him

Smg3 sighs "I do trust you, you know that right? But I do sense that something is of..." He looks at Smg4 before glancing off your side "Maybe you're right, I'm probably paranoid because I'm not use to fun and neither of us have ever had a break after every single thing that's happened to us...I'm probably just stressing over nothing..." He looks at Smg4 and smiles "Don't let me ruin you and your friend's fun, alright?"

Smg4 chuckles "So you admit you're paranoid?"

"Sh-Shut up!" Smg3 tells him quickly "Before I take it back!" 

Smg4 continues to laugh and Mario joins in 

Another knock on the door, this time Smg3 stood up and opened the door "What?" He questions

"Hey, If you both are done giggling and kicking your feet over who knows what, The island is coming into view! You gotta come see how pretty it is!" Meggy was at the door, and she was really excited

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