Chapter 5: Magic Twists!

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"Sorry, I don't like Magic" Belle tried to walk around the lady who was trying to stop her

"Ah!" The lady got in front of her again "You know Seven young people who possess very strong power, don't you? You're being hypocritical my dear Belle!"

"And what if they did hold Strong Power but it isn't Magic"

"Magic and Five of their powers are just as equivalent as anything, dear"

"How would you even know what kind of Power they have if they had any? We never told you anything about us, and we haven't seen you yet..."

The lady grins "Of course, Dear Belle. My name is Grace, I work under the Grand Wizard" She giggles "I invited you and your dear friends here! On behalf of GW after all, as for knowing your name, and your little friend's power!" She hums with another giggle and a shrug "It's as they say around here 'The Grand Wizard knows all' It was only a matter of time until your three friends learn just why they're here"

"Wh-What is that supposed to mean!?" Belle questions quickly 

Grace waves her finger which glows Orange

"W-Wait!" Belle steps forward but Grace taps her own head and she vanishes from Belle's View

"That's what happened?" Rob questions as the group was at their table with their food at the restaurant

Belle nods "It was extremely weird! She mentioned subtlety probably 1, 2, 3, 4, Mario, Saiko and Melony...But mentioned only five of their Powers are on the same Level as Magic, and I think I could guess who those five are..."

Belle looks to Smg1, 2, 3, 4, and Mario and everyone else did too

"Why us?" Smg4 questions

"The sixth and seventh people can only be Melony and Saiko, And their abilities are more Power than Magic" Meggy puts simply "Yours 1, 2, and 3's powers are more...Unnatural...and Otherworldly, and Mario? Well, we haven't come to understand any Avatar Abilities of his if he has any at all, So for all we know, his powers could be equal to yours"

"Mario would think he'd know if he had Avatar Powers" Mario chimes in "Aside from Meme absorption, but even then that's Glitchy and 3's doing"

"It is very Possible" Smg1 spoke "It could be that you just haven't unlocked it"

Smg4 gasped with a smile, looking at Mario "Maybe you can deal with Memes Personally? Or...Maybe do the same things as me and 3!?"

Mario looks at him and they both chuckle

"This is what I'm talking about..." 3 put his face in his hands causing the two best friends to stop laughing and look at him. He brought his hands down "They claim to have no source of Internet here, and yet they know everything about us!? This is beyond strange! We have to take the next boat home, this just isn't safe!"

"Oh...But you just got here..." Aria looks down

"Listen Aria, I was hoping for a nice Vacation too after everything we've been through" 3 admits "But you probably knew all about that, didn't you?"

"I...I didn't know anything except your Arrival and that The Grand Wizard invited you, If I knew You, Melony, 1, 2, and 4 had Magic, I wouldn't have given you wands..."

"But that's just it" Saiko tells her quickly "None of it is Magic...They're just powers"

"I didn't even know you guys had powers at all, Sure I work under the Grand Wizard and their Highnesses, But that doesn't mean I get to know all the important stuff, I'm still in training after all"

"That's it!" Tari looks at 3,4, 1, 2, and Mario "Maybe you guys can talk to the Grand Wizard about what's happening here!"

4 shrugs "I'll probably go on my own, If it makes you guys less paranoid, He's a 'Grand Wizard' he probably used some Crystal Ball or something"

"Ha!" Alastair crossed his arms "Bold of you to assume we're like those fake wizards on TV!"

Smg4 glares at him

Alastair sighs "Okay, some of the Royal ones do..." 

"Look, If none of my friends are comfortable, I'm going to check on it for them, this is probably just one huge misunderstanding"

Aria nods "Very well, I shall take you to the Grand Wizard's Tower after we finish here" She looks Alastair "Alastair, after we are done, could you please take everyone else back to Illusion Villa?" She then pulls him in to whisper to him "We don't need them out after dark...GW won't like that..."

The duo pulled away from each other and Alistair nods "Alright, I got ya, Ari" 

After they finished eating, they all left the Restaurant, 4 and Aria right away went for the GW. Alastair began to lead the group back to the Illusion Villa

"Alright Man, Spill it, what do you know?" 3 questions Alastair 

"Not as much as you guys do" Alastair put his hand behind his head "Ari has left me in the dark since we stopped hanging out AND even more so after becoming the King and Queen's 'Sorceress in Training' Or whatever she is!" He spoke in a mocking tone when he said 'Sorceress in Training'

"Hey! You guys are Best Friends!" Melony tells him

"You heard what Ari said, We just Grew up together, we're not any sort of friends...Our Parents just go way back!"

"Well...Do you think about it like that?"

"Who cares what I think? I'm no Sorcerer" Alastair shrugs "I'm just a Waiter"

"That shouldn't matter" Melony told him again "It matters what everyone thinks! If you think your friends, Hold onto that until Aria gives you a reason not to believe it anymore!"

"Melony is right" Tari agrees "You can't just give up on her!"

"God, you guys are so cheesy..." 3, Bob, and Kaizo mumble

Alastair shrugs again "I appreciate that, I really do" He puts his hands in his pockets "But...I don't think it's that Simple..." He gestures to the Villa "Oh look, you're all home! Wow, that was fast..."

"You used your Magic, didn't-" Rob starts

"Man and I totally wanted to talk to you all more! What a shame!"

"You sure don't-" Meggy was also cut off by Alastair starting to walk away "Hey! Alastair!"

He waved, his back to the group still "If I don't see you guys again, I hope you guys enjoy your time here and that it's Absolutely Magical! ...Or Whatever..."

3 glared at him as he walked off "I keep telling 4 I don't trust this place and it's people, but he's to Naive to see anything that's happening!" 

"I could care less" Belle crosses her arms "I just hope 4 heard me out and we can get out of here..." She proceeds to walk inside

Saiko sight "I'm with that, for now, we can only turn in for the night and hope that we're out of here tomorrow..."

The group heads inside and to their rooms, after a while of talking to Mario and 3 noticing the time, 3 stood up

"3? What's wrong?" Mario tilts his head 

"4 hasn't come back yet...It's been hours..." 3 mumbled

"Did you see how high up that Tower was? I wouldn't be surprised if Glitchy and Aria are still walking"

"You don't get it" 3 turns to him "If Alastair could teleport us here and he's not a Royal Apprentice or Whatever, That means Aria can do it too! And if she can, she easily can teleport them to the tower and back down, unless somethig happened"

"Awww, Are you worried about Glitchy?" Mario teases with a chuckle

"N-NO! I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT GLITCH!" 3 Blushed at his own words "I-I MEAN I'M NOT WORRIED ABOUT SMG4! SCREW HIM! I JUST DON'T NEED HIM DYING ON ME THAT'S ALL! YOU'RE A HANDFUL!" He sighs, bringing his hand to his arm as his face cooled down "Look, I...Just know how much 4 means to you and how hurt you'd be if something happened to him, so I can't help but be worried for him...If you wanna turn in for the night, that's fine, I'm just gonna go to living room and wait up on him"

Mario stood up "Glitchy is Mario's best friend, So Mario is going to wait for him too!" He smiles

3 gave a small smile "Of course, I expected nothing else from you..."

The duo went out into the Living Room and sat on the couch to wait for 4. More time passes, and Mario had fallen asleep on the couch and 3 was still up on his phone...

"4...Where are you...?" 3 stood up and  pulled up 4's contact, he tried to call him, tapping his foot anxiously "Come on...Pick up..."

"Hey!" 4's voice came through the phone

3 smiled "4! Hey, Listen-" His smile then faded

"Sorry I can't come to the Phone, I'm probably busy making some Spicy Memes, Hanging out with my Friends, or on another one of our Wacky Adventures! Feel Free to leave a Message and I'll Get back-MARIO NO DON'T TOUCH THAT! PUT IT DOWN!" It was 4's Voicemail...It ended with a 'Beep' and 3 sighed

"Call me back 4...M-Mario's worried about you idiot!" 3 hung up, as he did the front door opened to reveal 4. 3 gasped with a smile "4!" He got in front of him as 4 shut the door "Are you okay? What happened? Do you have any idea how worried Mario was!? What's the plan now?"

"Relax 3" 4 chuckles, gently pushing 3 aside as he walked inside, he hummed in thought "Let's see...I'm Fine, I talked to the Grand Wizard, And we're staying here silly! Everything is fine!" He chuckles again

"You skipped a questi-" 3 starts quietly

"You were so Paranoid about this trip and it was just a huge Misunderstanding! So, we'll be here for the remainder of our trip!"

"And...How long is that?"

4 walked passed 3 to go towards their room "Well, That's for me to know and you guys to find out, right?" He didn't wait for an answer and just went to their room with a smile on his face

"I don't think that was Glitchy" 3 turned around to see Mario looking over the back of the couch at the

"How did you even know he was here!?" 3 questions "You were sleeping!"

"Avatar Senses" Mario put simply "And Glitchy was surprisingly loud and a lot more cheerful...Normally he's more courteous when everyone is sleeping...Mario thinks something happened at that Tower"

"How do you know a word like 'Courteous'?" 3 sighs "I wanna believe that too...But I think we might just be paranoid...I think we should just be happy he's okay"

Mario yawns "And go to bed...Mario's tired..."

Mario got up from the couch and they both started to head back to their room

"Yeah...Paranoid..." 3 muttered to himself as they walked

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