Chapter 9

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Yoongi was FRUSTRATED to the younger. Why? Jimin was still holding his wrist while TAKING a phone call from someone.

"Sir, I've already told you a million times. I will be busy for school this week. We have a very important event!"

"It's either that or your dreams, Park Jimin!"

Yoongi heard those words from the phone. It was nearly not audible but not enough for Yoongi to hear.

What dreams? What was the other person talking about?
Yoongi thinks

"Please, sir? Just this week. And I promise I will work hard next week! I'll even take absents and get an over time!" He pleads and as soon as the other one agrees, he hanged up the phone and turns to Yoongi

"I'm sorry about that. Let's go back there and join the others." Jimin awkwardly scratched the back of his head with his other arm.

"Can you stop holding my wrist now, please? It's bruising." Yoongi said that made Jimin widen his eyes. He quickly let go of the older's wrist and takes a look on it.

It was blue, turning purple.

"Fuck." He took his wrists again and planted a small kiss. Yoongi felt his warm lips on his wrist and his cheeks  immediately went red.

"W-what was that for, man?!"

Jimin didn't respond and just left Yoongi there.

Jimin wasn't gay.

Jimin isn't gay.

Well, at least he thinks he isn't.


Taehyung saw Yoongi alone on the beach with his hands at his back, staring at the small waves. He smiles as he went to Yoongi.

"Hey there, pretty boy." He called out Yoongi as the other one turns his head to see who it was.

Oh, it's the Taehyung guy.

"I swear to God. Jimin was so annoying earlier. He couldn't let go of my wrist. What was his deal? Aiiiihh." Yoongi said as he ruffles his hair out of frustration. "I hate it if someone touches me like that."

"Oh? Why won't you confront him about that?"

"Oh, I did, Mr. Kim. I'm glad he let go of me. My wrist is starting to go purple because of him."

Taehyung took his wrist and examined them. "Wow, he really is possessive."

"And to what reason exactly? Last time I heard he was straight as a ruler."

"Rulers can bend, dumbass."


Jimin was stressed. Bang-Pd wouldn't stop calling him even though they already agreed about him having an over time starting next week.

He grabbed the pack of cigarettes in his pocket and lit one. Jimin smokes if he was stressed. He's even more stressed when he couldn't find Yoongi. His stress grew even more when he realizes why is he stressing about not finding that boy? Like, was he that fucking special to him?

He wasn't even gay. "Fucking shit." He cursed when he spotted Yoongi with Taehyung. "You can talk and look at him like that but couldn't even talk nicely to me?" He talks to himself taking a puff on his cigarette.

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