Chapter 3

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Two weeks has passed and I pretty made a lot of friends despite what happened to me and Jay in the cafeteria. I was happy, for once. Because I get to have friends here. SKU really is something else.

Though, I wonder why Park Jimin is the WHOLE president of this University? Does he own it? Are there special requirements just to be the President here?

"Hey, why is Park Jimin the President here?"

"Oh? Haven't you heard? Your signal's low, Yoongi-ah!" Jungkook said and lets out a chuckle.

"Let me tell you something." Lisa whispered as she lower her head. "Jimin is the top student here. He tops ALL of the students. There are almost 5k students here and he belongs to the veryyyyyyyy top!" She whisper-shouted.

I gasped. "Really?" I was shocked, to be honest. So he's my rival? Joking. I don't plan to compete with him, but I'm not used to have any competitions in my previous school because I topped also.

"Yeah, and he is THE captain of basketball. While Kim Taehyung, the second topper is THE captain of football." Jennie whispered also.

Well, that was the massive gossip I've ever heard in my entire life.

"Any additional infos about him?" I asked, curiously.

"Well, he is a very private person. That is all I know lol."

"I heard my name." I jumped. Pls don't be Jimin, pls don't be Jimin, pls don't be Jimin. I closed my eyes and slightly moved my head, opened my eyes slightly to see who it was. I straightened my back and furrowed my eyebrows, it wasn't Jimin.

I let out a sigh as a sign of relief, knowing it wasn't Jimin. I was too embarrassed last time we interacted.

"My name's Kim Taehyung. You're new here, right?" He said as my friends awkwardly nudged at me for me to answer.

"Y-yeah. I'm Yoongi. I'm an irreg, so it's kinda hard to adjust hehe."

"Well, then. See you around." He smiled slightly and left. I heard my friends squeal. Ugh, I remember Yoonji and her annoying noise everytime she reminds me of that man whom she met weeks ago.

"That was THE Kim Taehyung! Why aren't you squealing right now!" Jennie screeched.

"Am I suppose to?" I sassed.

They're just men, what's so good about them? LMAO, I forgot I'm a man too. Change it, what's so good about us? Joke.

I let out a chuckle because of my inside joke.

"He's gone nuts." Jungkook whispered as I just clicked my tongue at him.


I was running late. Shit. It's already snack time and I'm still at this fucking bus. I have a car, but I chose to be in this bus which I really regret doing so.

I practiced last night in our studio, that was the reason why I was late. I didn't notice the time. Of course, Namjoon-hyung scolded me, even Hoseok-hyung too. But i can't help it, I don't want to slack. I am really passionate about dancing, as well as singing too. Forget about studying, I can still pass the test without reviewing much.

But I think the downfall of my grades will be my tardiness. I can't afford to lose the only thing that I want to exert my efforts to, my training. Growing up, I really aspired to be one of those famous idols that were very successful before. I aspire to be one of them. I can't just lose it just because I was fucking late everyday, not literally tho, since I still attend my classes in time sometimes.


"You're late, Jimin-ah. " Mr. Song said while he was writing something on the blackboard.

"I apologize, Mr. Song. I really practiced late last ni-" Fuck. I almost said it.

"Say what?"

"Ahh- I-it's nothing, sir. I'll just go have my seat."

"Just because you're the President, doesn't mean you can be late anytime, Mr. Park."

I took a deep breath to calm down. I can NOT ruin my reputation. Calm down, Jimin. You can take this professionally.

"I apologize, sir."

"You should serve as a role model in this school, Jimin-ah. Don't slack." I hate that fucking word. It makes me want to slam his head on his desk until he dies.

"Oh come on, sir Songggg. Can't you see his efforts? Just cut the chitchats!" A girl, one of my classmates said.

"Yeaaaa! Cut the chitchat! More teachings please?" A boy added.

I smiled to myself. I don't need to do something to cut that teacher's words off, I have my supportive classmates, hehe.

Mr. Song just rolled his eyes and continued lecturing. This is going to be a looooong day.

5:00 P.M.


There's a small ice cream shop near the school and I was DELIGHTED to try it. I haven't tasted it for months already since I was too busy to find a uni.

I am with my friends, they are so chaotic. They drain my energy so much, but I enjoy being with them, it kinda reliefs me.

"I would like one cookies and cream ice cream, please."

"That would be 2 dollars."

I gave him the money as we all sat down near the window so that we could still see the outside world✨

I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Jimin running. It was like he's in a hurry. All drenched with his sweat. It was like he's late for something? Ugh, I'm so curious about that boy.


"It's the first time you're not late, Jimin-ah." Bang PD-nim said as he sat on his office. "How's your studies, eh? Have you been studying well with flying honors?"

"I'm doing well, sir."

"I'm impressed that you can multi-task. You really are something else." I smiled when he said that. "But you are well aware about the number one rule in our company, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"If I knew that you're in a relationship, you're automatically out. Your debut is near. More practice, and you'll become great."

"Yes, sir."

"Off you go."

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