Trackstar Antelope Volume 12

Começar do início

We walk down the hallway, while talking. I know this is just a figment of my imagination, but I'm slowly beginning to trust Abe even more.

"Jamel, you have to realise that you can't trust every carnivore you meet. But you have to be open to them, or else you won't see who they truly are" he says finally at the end of the hallway. We stop in front of a large door.

"But how do I know who to trust? And how can I make sure I don't get killed?" I ask him. It really feels like I'm asking myself at this point.

"You just have to get to know them, and you'll feel safe around the ones you love" He replies softly. He opens the large door, and I see Sam, Erica, Nalu, Tye and a few others sitting down in a room that looks like the gym. These are the ones. These are the ones that I love and trust. They'll keep me safe, and I'll keep them safe too. I need to hold them very close to my heart, even when things get tough

"Oh, hey Jamel. What's up?" Sam asks in a happy tone

And then I woke up. For once I didn't die.

Chapter 94: The Recovery Day

I look up at my alarm clock and see 9:34AM. I panic for a second and then remember that I don't have school today, which reminded me of Dad. I just hope he pulls through okay. He still has to recover from the surgery and learn how to use his arm again. And the mental trauma that he has to deal with would certainly make things hard. For once it isn't raining outside, which is good.

That dream was really bizarre. It makes me question who I should really trust, but why was Abe in the dream, telling me who to trust? Maybe Abe isn't such a bad guy after all, but maybe there's someone else I know who isn't trustworthy.

Riley's been acting pretty sketchy the last few months. I know he can't help it because of his medication, which is supposed to cause weird side effects for a few weeks. Actually, come to think of it, Riley started taking the medication in May. It's been three months and he still hasn't recovered like Levi has. Maybe there's something else going on that I need to figure out.

I stumble out of bed and hear voices coming from the living room. I walk over to investigate and find two men in suits sitting at the table. One of them is Mr. Rudd, the hyena that met with Mum and Dad earlier on... the other is a stork, who I've never seen before. Maybe Mum is being informed on what's happening. I decide not to interrupt them and have my shower instead.

The thought of a "blood trance" is also kind of scary. To think that if I cut myself one day and started bleeding, then the carnivores around me wouldn't be able to control themselves and possible kill me... at least, I think that's how it works. How strong does the scent have to be for a carnivore to lose control?

I then get dressed and meet Mum in the living room; both Mr. Rudd and the stork are gone, so I guess everything has been sorted.

"Morning Jamel" she says while sipping some tea in front of the TV. She still seems a bit down, for obvious reasons. But I guess we have to be there for each other.

"Hi mum. Mind if I sit with you?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure, bud." She replies. "The man you saw before was a legal officer who worked with Dad's Pasteuriser, and Mr. Rudd, our supervisor. They were letting us know that we can get compensation for Dad's accident." She added. I looked at her confused.

"Basically, the pasteuriser will give us money while Dad isn't able to work, to ensure that we don't go poor" she cleared up. "As I already mentioned, your father and I can't join you in Lavalla, but we wish you the best of luck." she added. I'm a little sad that they can't come to support me, but I think it's good that she decided to stay back and help Dad. But at least I still have Sam, Coach Harris and everyone else to cheer me on.

Trackstar AntelopeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora