Captain Alistar Vangeance

Start from the beginning

" I have a feeling destroying this group will be my most magnificent work of art yet!" Rill said with a laugh.

" Yeah, well, I have a feeling it's gonna be the biggest pain in my ass," Yami said with a sigh and a shake of his head.

" Alright! Let's teach these bad guys a lesson they won't forget!" Asta suddenly shouted and all the Captains, along with the kids, shouted from beside him.

They had no idea who these guys were, but they were dangerous and posed a threat to the Kingdom and all its citizens. And that was what they needed to know right now.


A Week Later

It was a celebratory day. Not only for the Magic Knights but for the citizens as well. Today they were welcoming a new leader into the Golden Dawn. The citizens, as well as the Golden Dawn members themselves, had been shocked and upset when they were first told the news a week ago. But many of them were happy and relieved when he appointed his son, Alistar, as the new Captain. Not everyone was pleased, though. There were quite a few Golden Dawn members who were angry and upset that he had appointed his 'out of control' son, some even threatened to leave the squad entirely if he didn't change his mind, but William refused. He asked that they give his son a chance, since he was older now, and had improved his control greatly. And if they still felt the same way in a few months, then they could leave the squad freely and with no hard feelings.

They begrudgingly agreed.

Today was the day that Alistar was to be appointed as the new Captain, and to say that he was nervous was an understatement. He nervously fixed his uniform and Captain's robe over and over again, he had been trying to fix his messy white hair at first, but eventually grew frustrated and decided to leave it in its normal state.

" Well, don't you look like the perfect image of a Magic Knight Captain right now." A voice suddenly chuckled from behind him, and when the young man turned around, he saw it was his father.

" I wouldn't go that far, I personally think I look like an absolute mess right now," Alistar said with a shaky sigh, and William chuckled again.

" Honestly? You remind me of a nervous groom on his wedding day." William joked, and he watched his son's face turn bright red.

" N-No, I don't!" He denied as he watched his father walk over to him calmly. " It's just that...I can't get this darn robe to sit right." Alistar muttered, and his father smiled warmly at him before he reached out and began to fix his son's uniform and robe.

As William silently fixed his son's outfit, his mind began to wander, back to when his son had first joined the squad. He remembered his son's trembling hands as he tried to button his shirt, and how his son would constantly salute everyone, no matter if they were the same rank as him or not. He remembered how heartbroken he was when his first mission didn't go exactly as planned. That was only 4 years ago, but to William, it was closer to a lifetime.

Now his son was one of the strongest, most hardworking, and most confident Magic Knights he had ever seen. He completed some of the toughest missions with ease, he protected and kept his squad members and civilians safe, and as an added bonus everyone loved him. His fan club was so large that it was in the top 5 biggest clubs for Magic Knights! He chuckled as he remembered how embarrassed his son had been when he was told that. But eventually, he saw it as a badge of honor, and said having a large fan base was a big responsibility, but it also meant he was doing something right.

" I don't think I can do this, Father," Alistar suddenly said as his tone grew more nervous. " I think you're making a mistake, you should appoint Klaus as the new Captain!"

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