A Day To Remember

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The DJ felt slightly better and decided to be a little social. He walked into the sleepover room, to be met with some decorations used for the date.

"We figured it shouldn't go to waste." Marinette smiled sheepishly as she turned on the fairy lights. Nino grinned and hugged them.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Adrien asked.

"Not sure, but I think I'll be fine." Right as he said that, their phones pinged. Alya posted videos and pictures on her social media.

She was at the concert with Lila, having a blast and the best time of her life. She didn't look guilty at all, or didn't realize what day it was.

A range of emotions was felt at once. Nino felt sad, some felt anger while others were surprised Alya actually went and some felt sympathy. Chloe quickly turned on a fan, so no akumas could try anything.

"...She really went..." Everyone turned to Nino. He had a frown on his face. He looked up, thinking. "...Maybe it's time to move on."

"What do you mean by that?" Juleka asked. "You two seemed like a decent pair."

"Yeah, but recently we haven't really hung out. Alya would always be hanging out with Lila or would be babysitting. It's like she doesn't make time for me anymore." They all felt a pang of guilt. They never knew he felt like this.

"How long has this been going on?" Kagami asked. Nino shrugged.

"It's been maybe three months, but I thought it was a phase or something. I thought we just needed space so we don't like get sick of each other, not that she was just forgetting about me."

"Yeah, not all relationships work like that." Nath said. "Me and Marc hang out all the time and we don't get sick of each other."

"That's true, I guess." Chloe clapped her hands.

"Enough with the sad emotions. We came here to have some fun. We have movies and shows ready, snacks, games, and don't have school for the next three days because of a holiday. We must make the most of this night!" The group cheered as they started their fun night. They made sure Nino got a say in everything they did so he didn't feel ignored.

They partied all night, splitting from playing Mario Kart, gossiping, and binging shows while stuffing their faces with food.


Alya woke up and she felt different. Like she was forgetting something, but wasn't sure. Her parents knew, since Nino's mom told them. But they all agreed not to say anything just to see if she would come to terms herself.

She never did. But she still continued to hang out with Lila though.

When they got back to school, there was a different vibe in the class. Those who weren't with Nino at the time felt bad but thought she was just distracted and would come back later. They all agreed not to say anything as well.

Alya never got the hint as she continued to be with Lila. She still talked to Nino every once in a while, but he hasn't been really social lately. Maybe something happened.

The girl shouldn't have been surprised at what would happen soon.


It's been about a month now and Alya still hasn't remembered. Nino didn't remind her and didn't want to, just to see how long it would take for her to remember on her own. And miraculously, he started getting over Alya. And suddenly started feeling nervous around Aurore.

He knew what this feeling was, and he was scared. Aurore wasn't like Alya, she was nicer and more considerate with her actions, being another reporter and all. But he also wasn't ready for another relationship. He was also nervous that she was similar to Alya in the reporting business, but was more professional with her resources and citations. He talked to Marinette and Adrien about it, and they understood and recommended he took it slow if he really wanted to be with her.

What he didn't know was that Aurore was starting to feel the same and ranted to Kagami, Luka, and Marc about it.

"It's not bad, but like, I feel like it's too soon with current events and all." She ranted as they nodded their heads in understanding.

"It's up to the both of you. Besides, it's not like you have to get together now. You guys can start hanging out and taking it slow." Aurore nodded after a moment, glad that she felt like she had a choice.

Nino and Aurore started to hang out a little more a week later. By that time, it was obvious to most people that they were crushing on each other. So obvious that even Lila and Alya started to take notice.

"I thought Nino was your boyfriend?" Lila asked as she looked across the court. Alya looked as well and saw the two talking with a group around them.

"He is." Alya narrowed her eyes. "I'll confront him later."

"But what if he's already with her?" Lila was secretly grinning, but hid it with a concerned face. "Alya, if he's cheating on you, you need to confront him and put him in his place. Don't just let him get away with this."

The blogger thought about it. "You know what, you're right! I'm going to go up to him right now." Lila smiled in support as she stomped down the stairs towards the group. Lila's smile turned into an evil grin, not missed by a certain science teacher.

"Nino!" Alya exclaimed, catching some attention. Most of the people in the courtyard knew what would happen, but pretended to not eavesdrop. They know the drama before it even begins.

"Alya." He says, civilly but nervously.

"Are you cheating on me with her?" Aurore raised an eyebrow as Nino looked shocked.

"No, why would I cheat?"

"Well you haven't been around much lately-"

"Oh that is so hypocritical, you-" Kagami put a hand over Chloe's mouth.

"I haven't been around lately because you kept putting Lila over me. It kind of implied that we were breaking up." Alya was shocked.

"I don't want to break up! And sure, I've been spending a bunch of time with Lila but I haven't done anything wrong!" Nino's shoulders slumped. She truly didn't remember.

"...Alya I'm sorry, but we're through." Everyone stopped talking. Lila froze but was amused. Alya was angry.

"What? Why?" The blogger panicked.

"We just aren't the same people we were before, that's all. You can spend all the time you want with your friends now, and don't have to worry about me anymore." Nino walked off but Alya grabbed his wrist. Harder than she meant to, she had to admit.

"Wait! Just, tell me what I did wrong, at least." The boy was silent and looked into his ex's pleading eyes.

"You forgot our anniversary." Nino released her grip off his arm and left as the bell rang for their next class. She didn't miss the stares of disappointment from everyone and was ignored, just like she was with Nino. She took him for granted without even realizing it and didn't know until he was already gone.

Lila continued to be by her side, even when it seemed like no one else was. Alya went home that day and cried to her mom about the breakup, and she revealed she knew she forgot the anniversary. Alya felt a little betrayed that it seemed like everyone knew but her, but her mother said it was to teach her a lesson on not taking people for granted. That everyone had feelings and it's not right to ignore another human being.

Alya wasn't surprised either when she overheard that Aurore and Nino were now together a few weeks later.

I literally woke up from a nap and wrote this lmao

I didn't feel like adding lies being exposed today, I just wanted to have like a breakup and recovery vibe with some salt

I might do a short salt runoff off this where Lila gets exposed and Alya gets akumatized because she realizes what she did to everyone because of Lila.

2000 words

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