Happy Birthday, Lie-La

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The MPS decided Lila has gone on long enough and plan to expose her at her own birthday party. I was trying to wait until a Friday the 13th for this but that's not til October and this book would have been finished💀

Lila's birthday was the talk of the class. It was really no surprise, since the girl came and made them abandon Marinette for her. The class friendship was hanging by thread, and it's held by a thin string called Marinette's patience.

Ever since the liar made her promise come true, the baker girl has been mentally and physically harassed, bullied, and more. Of course she had other better friends, and even her boyfriend Luka by her side, but they can't be with her all the time. 

In the class, Marinette has only Chloe, Juleka, Mylene, Nath, Nino, and Kim. That's about half their class, and it's causing issues.

Sabrina left Chloe, since Lila treated her better than the richer girl did. 

Juleka sensed something was off about the Italian and asked Luka to hear her song. Luka's ears were literally bleeding and that's when Juleka knew something was seriously wrong with the girl. She tried to tell the class, but not many believed her and isolated her for trying to lie about Lila. But those who trusted Luka started to doubt the claims as well and switched sides.

Which was where we are now. Alya wants to throw a party for Lila, but doesn't want to invite the haters just for them to ruin it. The "Haters" were arguing back that she's just being manipulated and it isn't worth throwing a party for a fake. Adrien looked back at Marinette with a pleading look, mentally asking her to do something. But all she did was raise an eyebrow and glare back, as if saying "If you care so much about her, how about you do it?"

The argument was stopped by Mrs. Bustier, who came in and asked what the problem was. She was delighted that they wanted to throw Lila a party for her birthday, but was disappointed to see Marinette not caring about it. She asked Marinette to have a word in private outside the classroom. Alya smirked as she walked by.

Mrs. Bustier closed the door and smiled sweetly. "Marinette, you need to set an example for the class on this party. If you don't have the positive energy for it, no one else will! They look up to you, remember what we said about all the Marinettes in the world?" Marinette didn't know why, but she felt something deep down in her snap. She looked at her teacher straight in the eyes.

"All the Marinettes in the world know who she really is, and none of them want to put up with her. They shouldn't be looking up to me, they should be looking up to you, the teacher and adult." The response took the French teacher aback. She never expected Marinette to snap back. She was loosing control over her, and was starting to lose her patience.

"You are the only one right for the role. If you show Lila kindness, it will prove that you two can get along and you can move past all the arguing." Marinette gave her a deadpanned look.

"But-" The teacher was done.

"Marinette, you will help plan this party or you will be sent to Principal Damocles for insubordination. Do I make myself clear?" 

Marinette gave her teacher a good long look. She could risk getting suspended again, or help plan a party that she isn't even wanted at in the first place. But then, a devious plan formed in her head. She grinned and looked back up to the teacher.



Luka was wondering why his sister looked concerned. When he confronted her, she said that their teacher practically blackmailed Marinette into helping the class with a surprise party for Lila. Juleka was concerned on why Mrs. Bustier would go that far, but was even more confused when Marinette came in and she didn't look fazed at all. She looked like she was secretly grinning, in fact.

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