A Day To Remember

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Alya gets so involved with Lila and making sure Marinette doesn't jump her that she missed an important day.

She forgot her and Nino's anniversary

Nino was wondering what he did wrong. He had the flowers in hand, some chocolate, and even rented out the park just for them today. He asked Marinette and a few other classmates to help him decorate. Even if they weren't on the best terms recently, they were there for each other. They were childhood friends after all.

Nino and Marinette had a little tension. Marinette was accused of being a bully by Lila and Alya, but Nino didn't believe it. There wasn't a bad bone in Marinette's body. If there was, she probably would have knocked out Chloe by now.

But Nino was scared to speak up. Not because he was afraid of Marinette's possible personality change, but because Alya was continuously making him stay with her. Specifically, not letting him hang out with Marinette, since she was now a bully.

Nino still wanted his friend though. He was able to pull her aside one day afterschool and talk to her about it, and she understood. Marinette agreed that if he wanted to he could spy on Lila and Alya and start collecting evidence that Lila wasn't all what she seemed. Nino agreed as well, seeing it as an opportunity to make it up to his friend.

After he collected some evidence, he made sure to make several other copies and then give it to Marinette. She recently also got Chloe, Nathaniel, Juleka, Mylene, Ivan, Kim, Sabrina, and Adrien on her team. There were a few others from other classes as well, like Luka, Kagami, Aurore, Marc, and practically the rest of Mrs. Mendeliev's class. They all saw Lila as a liar and wanted nothing more than to take her down. 

All their spying paid off when they overheard Lila inviting Alya to go to a concert. She more of guilt tripped Alya into going after the threw in how much Marinette had hurt her recently. Alya agreed to go, not realizing that the date was on the same night as her anniversary.

When Nino was first told by Aurore, he was sad. But then he realized, maybe this would prove what kind of person Alya was. If she truly cared about their relationship, she would come to her senses and remember. But if she didn't, the friend group was trying to convince him to drop her. He still wanted to decorate the park anyways, just in case she came.

Sadly, she didn't.

The group stood by the whole time and watched from afar, asking every once in a while if he heard anything or if he was ok. He said he was fine, and kept checking the time. 15 minutes passed, then an hour, then suddenly their romantic sunset picnic turned dark and cold. It even started to rain. Nino sat there in the rain, head down, not sure what to think. 

He wasn't even aware he was crying until Marinette hovered over him with an umbrella and Adrien was hugging him.

The group quickly cleaned up the park and they all went to Chloe's hotel. They figured he would want to be alone, but would be nearby if he wanted a friend. (I for sure would be that one friend who can distract another after a breakup or hard time cuz I am so easily distracted that I can suggest different things to do. Binging shows, eating foods, playing a game, you name it lmao)

Nino stayed by himself in a room for about 10 minutes, still processing the events. The hangout turned into a sleepover, and they were going to help bring Nino to a piece of mind. While they decorated a big room that would be used, Nino called his mom to inform her that he wasn't coming home tonight and why. She was sad that her child had been abandoned by the girl he went above and beyond for, and was angry for why she wasn't there. She wished him a good night and told him that she loved him, even if Alya didn't.

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