Congratulations to The Rossi Pamphlet

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Adrien is worried that Lila will expose herself and will drag him down with her, so he speeds up the process. Part 2 of the last one

The Reynolds Pamphlet

Have you read this?

So, things lately have been a mess in Adrien's eyes. Ever since this Lila girl came into the picture, the atmosphere has felt different.

One moment they were all friends, the next they are all fighting.

You see, Lila told a lie (of course he knew she was lying, I mean it was obvious)that she knew Ladybug's identity. But that was a lie, because she told him, well...Cat Noir, that he would be the first to know, and she would never reveal it to a random civilian for her just to later brag about knowing it.

Plus, the timeline of Lila being here would not fit in with the logic.

But even know he knew, he didn't say anything. 

Why? Because she wasn't hurting least before.

Alexander Hamilton had a torrid affair
And he wrote it down right there
"The charge against me is in connection with one James Reynolds
For purposes of improper speculation
My real crime is an amorous connection with his wife
For a considerable time with his knowing consent"
"I had frequent meetings with her
Most of them at my own house"
At his own house!
At his own house

Adrien missed several hangouts with friends because Lila somehow got herself involved in his father's modeling company and wanted him all for herself. She was really handsy, clingy, and annoying. She always wanted to put her claws somewhere on him, even after he requested her to stop.

"You say lies don't hurt anyone..." Plagg says at his desk, looking up cheese. "But it's not the lies that hurt, it's her." 

Adrien didn't sleep that night.

"Mrs. Hamilton, with our children, being absent
On a visit to her father"



Have you read this sh-?

Of course, Alya had a field day on her blog whenever Lila came up with a juicy lie. He will admit, part of Adrien hurt realizing now that letting her post all of that slander and bullshit all over her blog could ruin her.

Adrien went and looked at all the comments of every video she posted with Lila and her lies, which were many. It was clear that Alya never read the responses to her videos, because if she did then she would have known Lila was a liar from the start.

Plagg was right. Lila is hurting people.

Well, he's never gon' be President now
Never gon' be President now
Never gon' be President now
Never gon' be President now
Never gon' be President now
That's one less thing to worry about
That's one less thing to worry about
I came as soon as I heard (what?)
All the way from London?!
Angelica, thank God
Someone who understands what I'm
Struggling here to do
I'm not here for you (ooh!)

The next day, Adrien tried to tell Alya that Lila was lying. Surely if she got more input from others she would look into it.

Only she  blew up at him, saying Marinette corrupted him and that Lila isn't a liar. The liar's posse also came to her defense. By the end of the day, Adrien was just as isolated as Marinette was before she left. Nino was sad that his friend was now isolated and Alya forbade him to speak with him until he came to his senses.

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