Good For You

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The class/Good Guys yelling at Alya as backlash of something she posted on her blog

Part 2 of last one :)

IK this song technically comes after You Will Be Found but I saw good potential in this

Marinette and Lila had to admit, they didn't think the fake messages would sell AT ALL.

Yet here they were the next day, Marinette being grilled by Alya and Lila pretending to be sad about the texts. But all Marinette felt was dread and rage.

Why did Alya take Lila's word over hers?

So you found a place where the grass is greener

And you jumped the fence to the other side

Is it good?

Are they giving you a world I could never provide?

Alya made her side of the debate clear:

She wasn't on Marinette's side. But to the surprise of Lila, most of the class was actually on Marinette's side. It only seemed to be the teacher and Alya.

Ever since that day, Alya had been bugging Lila nonstop about telling her if Marinette hurt her.

That's when things took a dark turn.

Well I hope you're proud of your big decision
Yeah, I hope it's all that you want and more
Now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before
And you say what you need to say
So that you get to walk away
It would kill you to have to stay trapped
When you've got something new
Well I'm sorry I had it rough
And I'm sorry I'm not enough
Thank God they rescued you

Marinette walked into school that day, confused as to why people were whispering about her. Chloe, who wasn't really close with Marinette in the first place, pulled her aside and ordered Sabrina to keep people from coming over.

"What's the deal with Césaire's newest video? Something about you bullying Rossi?" A pang of fear went through Marinette's gut.

"W-what?" Chloe just opened her phone and showed the video. Apparently, Alya encouraged Lila to do an interview with Lila claiming that Marinette said all those mean things about her and even started harassing her. At the end, you could clearly hear Alya say:

"Don't worry, we'll get the word out." Marinette felt sick.

"Don't worry, most of the people here know how you really are, and that this charade with Lila is all an act. I'm surprised the girl hasn't picked up on it, can't bloggers smell a lie?" Chloe huffed. "I do caution you, because this might have been seen by the principal and who knows if he's actually going to do his job about it. Good luck." The yellow girl and Sabrina walked away, leaving Marinette alone with her thoughts. A message from Lila told her to meet her in the basement, so she went.

Lila was a panicking mess. Marinette was puzzled with her rambling. "IamsosorrythishappenedMarinette,shesaidthatshewouldshowateacherandthattheywouldtakecareofit-" Marinette stopped her mid-sentence. 

"Lila, breathe. Deep breath in, and deep breath out." Lila followed Marinette's breathing patterns for a few more minutes until she could properly explain herself.

"Alya said she wanted video evidence against you and that she would show it to a teacher. I thought it wouldn't go anywhere because most of the faculty know and-" Everything became clear to Marinette.

The Salt Files (MLB)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora