Chloe and Sabrina: The Cat and Bug Team

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The duo has their doubts on Lila so they do an investigation on her and anyone involved. I was thinking back randomly to that earlier episode where Chloe and Sabrina were dressed as Cat Noir and Ladybug and thought there could have been more to that.

Chloe and Sabrina Sugar, Bustier Salt, Damocles Salt, Class Salt

Don't get Chloe wrong, she doesn't care about her class of mindless fools. But, she does tend to listen in on the drama.

For instance, the Italian liar has it out for Dupain-Cheng for some reason.

Yes, she knows she is a liar. It's not that hard, really. Rossi really needs to be more careful about who she tells lies to.

Chloe wanted a chance to prove to Ladybug that she can be good. And what better way to do that than to help out her enemy? No not Hawkmoth, Dupain-Cheng.

The ex-bee hero noticed how tense the two are when they are around each other. Even when they think they are alone, Lila pulls some face like she thinks she won. It's time to change that.

Sabrina suggested to Chloe that maybe roleplaying Cat Noir and Ladybug could get her mind in the right spot in order to tackle the situation. So that's what they did. 

As Chloe messed around with the Ladybug yoyo, she got an idea. Ladybug is "best friends" with Lila. And true fans would know she doesn't like name calling people, because it can risk them being in danger. And Lila doesn't seem to care that she could be a potential target.

Chloe smirked. She had her plan now. She quickly told Sabrina as they mapped out what to do and had Chloe's personal butler bring them all the resources they will need. Chloe grinned. Lila was going to be praying for mercy once Chloe was done with her.


The first part of Chloe's plan was to collect evidence. Verbal for the most part, but a little bit of physical evidence will work just fine. Chloe had Sabrina act like she believed Lila and asked her about a famous lawyer she saw in a tv show. And just like they planned, Lila lied about knowing the person, thinking he was an actual lawyer and not just an actor.

Sabrina also followed her when they were on breaks. Lila would usually go to where Marinette was and threaten her, which Sabrina got on recording. She started to wonder how the class could have gotten fooled by an obvious liar. It was even in her name!

Secondly, they needed witnesses. Most of the people knew about Lila and her lies, but ignored her because she never bothered them and didn't stay involved in that chaos. But the largest group to get a story from was Marinette and Mrs. Mendeliev's class.

Marinette had been spending more time with her class since now the 'Akuma Class' wanted nothing to do with her. It wasn't all of them, but the ones who believed Lila to the end were going to extensive lengths to make sure none of them had contact with Marinette. Lila's protection, mostly Alya, wanted the entire class to take part in ignoring Marinette and treating her like a bully. She figured if she wanted to act like one she would be treated like one until she could fix her attitude. And Mrs. Bustier was all for it since her star pupil was turning sour.

When Chloe and Sabrina interviewed the class for their perspective of Lila, it was all the same. Lila was a liar who tried to get close to them, but they all turned her down. She eventually gave up when they started ignoring her and let Alya do the dirty work for her. Needless to say, the two classes were practically at war.

And when they got to Marinette, there was a break in the case. Apparently, Adrien knew Lila was lying since the beginning and didn't say anything. A few other classmates knew too, but Marinette told them to pretend to believe Lila so she wouldn't go after them too. Their Everyday Ladybug didn't want anyone getting hurt if it could be avoided. The bluenette gladly told her side of the story from the first threat Lila gave her until now. She also made sure to tell them the other classmates who knew but made them promise to keep it secret.

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