Bomb Threat (Sorry If Title Is Triggering)

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The school gets a bomb threat and doesn't believe it, thinking it's Marinette causing a prank. When it actually happens, Marinette risks her life to save everyone. Just for her class to leave her behind. They didn't bother looking for her, convincing themselves that she deserved it. Marinette lays on her deathbed as Lila's lies get exposed when celebrities ask what happened to her.

Lukanette and Class Salt

TW for toxic class and mentions of before and aftermath of bomb explosion

If anyone has experienced this please make sure you talk with someone. Dealing with something dangerous like this is bound to have some effects and yo u shouldn't battle through it alone.

"Now, now, everyone, there's no need to worry." Damocles called out over the commotion. Everyone was panicking over it.

You see, the school got a bomb threat. That was a rare occurrence for their school, since it's wasn't one of the bigger schools and didn't have much competition. Because of those factors, Damocles just passed it off as Marinette's jealousy of Lila getting the best of her. His theory, along with several others, believed Marinette paid someone to call the school with a fake bomb threat to scare Lila as payback. Damocles was going to have a word with Miss Dupain-Cheng when this was settled.

"It's just a prank, I assure you." Damocles declared confidently.

"It seems like more than just a prank!" One student yelled out. Others agreed.

"Shouldn't we at least close school early?" Another student suggested. "We should take it seriously just in case." There were more murmurs of agreement.

Lila decided to take this situation to her advantage. She didn't believe the threat either, and realized this could be a good way to get Marinette in trouble. She never thought for a moment that this could be very real.

"It was Marinette! She did it to scare me!" Lila turned on the waterworks. The Akuma Class that was on Team Lila glared at Marinette as they comforted Lila.(Team Lila is Alya, Rose, Alix, and Bustier. Most of the class is neutral depending on the situation or Team Marinette) Everyone else was confused, including Adrien, on why Marinette would do it. It's out of character, doesn't make sense, and there would be nothing to gain.

Adrien was especially confused on why Lila would accuse Marinette of doing something so dangerous. Accusing her of being a possible terrorist is a whole other level. He, Chloe, and everyone else in the class walked closer to Marinette to shield her from the class.

"Marinette would never do something like this! She would never do a prank, and if she ever did it would never be this serious! Remember when I framed her for calling the fire department?" Marinette sent Chloe a sad smile. She knew Chloe was ashamed of her actions from before they were friends and was trying to make up for it. Marinette was proud of Chloe for changing for the better, and wished the rest of the class would do the same.

"Yeah, but Marinette isn't jealous of you. This is a completely different situation!" Alya defended the liar. Said liar was enjoying the attention.

"Marinette is innocent, prove me wrong. She does nothing but good for all of us while you sit back and listen to a liar who can't even keep track of everything she says." Aurore glared. The entire school, minus the class, Bustier, and Damocles, all were yelling and defending Marinette from the false accusations. Miss Mendeliev whistled, making the room silent.

"We can handle this later students. Right now, we need to take the proper precautions and evacuate the school. We can call someone to check it out and make sure there is no danger. Everyone please grab your belongings and wait with your class." Everyone followed her instructions as they still whispered over Marinette's innocence. 

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