Chapter 3: The Captive's Struggle

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Y/N's Friends' POV:

As we ran from the creature, fear gripped our hearts, and we lost sight of Y/N. In the chaos, we got separated from her, and the night swallowed us, leaving us disoriented and desperate.

We tried to find each other, calling out Y/N's name in the darkness, but there was no response. Fear and panic consumed us, and we realized that we were truly alone on this strange island.

We searched for any sign of Y/N, but all we found were the remains of dangerous animals that had been preyed upon by some unknown creature. Dread settled in our hearts as we came to a horrifying realization - we were not the only ones on this island.

As we were looking for y/n we saw a naga creature coming towards us with y/n in his hands who was unconscious and not only him but his other naga people were with him there leaving us no place for any attempt of running away from them.

Lucas and his tribe mates circled Y/N's friends, fear gripped their hearts. They knew they were at the mercy of these powerful creatures, and their attempts at reasoning fell on deaf ears. Y/N's male friend tried to stand tall and plead with Lucas, "Please, let Y/N go and spare us! We didn't mean any harm, we just got caught in the storm!"

Lucas chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with amusement and disdain. "Cowards, the lot of you!" he sneered. "Abandoning your friend when she needed you most, and now you dare to call yourselves her friends?"

His words struck a chord, and guilt washed over Y/N's female friend. She wanted to defend herself, to explain that they had tried to find Y/N but were separated during the chaos, but the words caught in her throat.

"You must pay for trespassing in my territory," Lucas declared, his voice cold and unwavering. He turned to his tribe mates and commanded, "Deal with them. I'll take care of my precious mate"

Before Y/N's friends could react, the Naga tribe members lunged at them, overpowering them easily. The four Nagas restrained Y/N's friends, their powerful coils wrapping around them tightly. Y/N's male friend struggled, but the grip only tightened, making it hard for him to breathe.

"Please, let us go! We won't tell anyone about this island or your tribe!" Y/N's female friend pleaded, desperation in her voice.

Lucas merely watched with a stoic expression as his tribe members carried out his orders. He had little mercy for intruders, and he saw Y/N's friends as a threat to his newfound obsession. He was determined to protect what was his at any cost.

With Y/N unconscious in his arms, Lucas turned away from the scene, leaving her friends at the mercy of the Naga tribe. As he walked towards his home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of possessiveness and triumph. Y/N was now his, and he would make sure she understood that, even if it meant killing her friends for their intrusion.

Y/N's POV:
I woke up groggily, my head throbbing from passing out . Confused, I looked around the cave, trying to make sense of what had happened. Suddenly the memories of the previous night flooded back, and I realized with horror that I had been kidnapped by a Naga. Panic welled up inside me, and I tried to sit up, only to find my hands tightly bound to the bedpost with soft fur.

Trying to figure out my surroundings I saw the cave I was in which was dimly lit, and I could see several small rooms around me. It was then that I noticed the most comfortable bed I had ever been on, filled with soft fur. But any comfort I felt was overshadowed by the realization that I was trapped in a cave with a creature that wanted me as its mate.

My eyes darted to the corner of the room, where Lucas sat watching me with an amused and loving expression. His crimson eyes locked with mine, and fear gripped my heart once more. Panic washed over me as I remembered everything that had transpired. My friends were gone, and I was trapped with a Naga who claimed that I was meant to be his mate.

"Who are you? What do you want from me? And where are my friends?" I asked, my voice trembling.

Lucas chuckled, finding my curiosity amusing. "I am Lucas, the head of the North Naga tribe," he replied, his voice smooth and strangely captivating. "And I brought you here because you are going to be my mate. You are mine, and you will always be mine. Defy it, and I will make sure you understand that you belong to me, by any means necessary."

His words sent chills down my spine, and I shook my head in disbelief. "I don't belong to anyone! I am not your mate, and I never will be!" I protested.

Lucas' expression darkened, and he roughly held my chin, forcing me to meet his intense gaze. "You are made for me, Y/N. You are meant to love me, to be with me. And whether you want it or not, you will be mine," he declared, his voice laced with a mixture of fury and obsession.

Lucas chuckled darkly. "And as for your friends they are of no concern to you anymore. They abandoned you when you needed them the most," he said, making me to believing that they had left me to die.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I processed his words. I wanted to believe that he was lying, that my friends would never do that. But the fear and uncertainty gnawed at my heart, leaving me feeling helpless and alone.

I tried to pull away from his grip, but he was too strong. The next thing I knew, he bit me, injecting a sleep poison into my system. I struggled to fight the drowsiness, but it was futile. As I drifted into unconsciousness, I could hear Lucas whispering lovingly that he would take care of me, that he would make me understand his love. While I felt a sense of despair, knowing that I was trapped with a creature who believed he owned me, body and soul. My only hope now was that my friends were still alive and searching for me, that they would find me before it was too late.

Lucas' POV:

As I watched Y/N fall unconscious, I felt a mix of frustration and fascination. She was strong-willed, and her defiance only fueled my obsession. I knew she would resist at first, but deep down, she was meant to be with me. I would make her see that, no matter what it took.

After I had put her to sleep, I made my way to the heart of the island, my senses attuned to the movements of the creatures around me. I hunted and gathered supplies for both of us. I wanted her to see that I could take care of her, that she had nothing to fear with me by her side.

When I returned to the cave, I found Y/N still asleep. I prepared a meal and placed it beside her, hoping that she would wake up soon. I couldn't wait to see her reaction, to hear her voice again.

Published - 30 july 2023

Yandere naga                                                        (Completed) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat